映画コラムCinema Column
日本暗殺秘録Cinema Column【Memoir of Japanese Assassination】
August 21, 2021
【日本暗殺秘録】1969年公開 千葉ちゃん、、、 僕の世代だとこの人を越えるスターはいないんじゃないでしょうか。物心つくかつかない頃に毎週の様に家族で観ていたテレビドラマ「キイハンター」。 それから「太陽にほえろ」や「傷 …
[Memoir of Japanese Assassination] Released in 1969 Chiba-chan … I don’t think there are any stars in my generation that surpass this person. The TV drama “Key Hunter” that I watched with my family almost every week when I couldn’t help myself. Then there were popular programs such as “Taiyo ni Hoero” and “Angel full of scratches”, but many were aired, but “Key Hunter” was cool. Sonny Chiba, also known as Chiba-chan, who starred in Key Hunter, died in Corona the other day. Next to Key Hunter, Jubei Yagyu from “The Conspiracy of the Yagyu Clan” and “Battle Without Honor and Death in Hiroshima” will be remembered as the rugged Yakuza Otomo, but this time it is said that he was eager to appear even after taking a break from Key Hunter. Introducing “Memoir of Japanese Assassination”. Beginning with the assassination of Japan, the change outside Sakuradamon, the assassination of Toshimichi Okubo, the 2.26 incident, etc. are depicted in omnibus, but the “League of Blood” starring Shinichi Chiba is the main. Tadashi Onuma (Sonny Chiba) graduated from elementary school for six years as chief, but after giving up going to high school due to his father’s death and changing jobs, he worked for Ochiai Castella at the Tokyo headquarters. Beloved by her husband (Asao Koike), she spends a good time in love with her maid Takako (Sumiko Fuji), but the number of stores increases and the store goes bankrupt. He works for the store until the end, but his family breaks up and he gets sick. Minko (Yukie Kagawa) from her hometown who died first because of her poverty, and Onuma who became desperate and thought of the unreasonableness of the world. After that, he got acquainted with the monk Inoue (Chiezo Kataoka) and became passionate about creating a new nation. Toei’s all-cast, which is unthinkable now (although it is a waste of money,) Later, the role of Yamanaka (Kinya Kitaoji), who played the leading role in (Battle Without Honor and Death in Hiroshima), was scheduled to be played by Shinichi Chiba, who played the role of Onuma.
東京物語Cinema Column【Tokyo Story】
August 7, 2021
『東京物語』1953年公開 パンデミックが始まって約1年半、人とのコンタクトを最低限にすることを意識していくうちに徐々に慣れてきた方も多いのでは。 ぼくも外で一杯やれないのはつまらないですが、もともとインドア派なのですっ …
“Tokyo Story” released in 1953
It’s been about a year and a half since the pandemic started, and many people have gradually become accustomed to it while being aware of minimizing contact with people. It’s boring that I can’t go all the way outside, but I’m completely used to being an indoor sect. (I think the family is stuffy, but …). Still, there is one thing I’m not used to. It means that you cannot freely go to see your parents who live apart. In this emergency, I feel a strong sense of family ties and feel lonely. Therefore, this time we would like to introduce a masterpiece known by Yasujiro Ozu, a master craftsman with the theme of family ties. Shukichi (Chishu Ryu) and Tomi (Chieko Higashiyama), an old couple living in Onomichi, come to see their eldest son Koichi (Satoshi Yamamura) and their eldest daughter Shige (Haruko Sugimura) who have lived in Tokyo for the first time in a while. Koichi, a practitioner, can’t take a day off even though he plans to visit Tokyo, and the aspiring house that has moved to be driven away is also busy running a hairdressing shop, and her parents spend a lonely time alone. Only Noriko (Setsuko Hara), the widow of her second son who died in the war, bothered She takes a break from work and takes them for sightseeing and treats them in her small apartment. In the post-war period toward the high-growth period, the delicate production depicts parents who feel lonely for their children who are full of their own lives. I watched this movie for the first time in ten years since I had children and my parents were still alive. What is the true bond and does the child really respect their parents? I will ask various questions. Nowadays, I often think of parents who live far away while resenting the government that is waving the flag of the Tokyo Olympics First.
ヒノマルソウル 舞台裏の英雄たちMovie Column 【Hinomaru Soul】
June 21, 2021
『ヒノマルソウル』2021年公開 1994年リレハンメルオリンピック、99.9%金メダルを手中に収めていた団体スキージャンプ、最後の原田選手の大失速ジャンプでまさかの銀メダルに終わります。 40代半ば以上の方なら原田選手 …
【Hinomaru Soul】 released in 2021
The 1994 Lillehammer Olympics, the group ski jump that had a 99.9% gold medal in hand, and the last big stall jump of Harada ended up in a silver medal.
If you are in your mid-40s or older, you may remember the malicious interview with Harada, the personal attack that is impossible in sports now.
This movie is centered around Jinya Nishikata (Kei Tanaka), one of the players who won the silver medal at the Lillehammer Olympics.
Nishikata encouraged Harada (Takayuki Hamatsu) who had stalled and vowed to win the gold medal at the Nagano Olympics four years later. I will end up.
Nishikata, who won the final race before the selection and was convinced that he would be selected as the representative, is overwhelmed by anger and regret.
At one point, Nishi was trying to quit skiing, but at the request of the Ski Association, he decided to participate in the Nagano Olympics as a test jumper.
The number of test jumpers gathered was 25, except for Nishikata and Minamikawa (Gordon Maeda), who had fallen as representatives. Even so, each of them is a young man who volunteered for the Nagano Olympics with a dream, and he trains every day. On the other hand, only Nishikata and Minamikawa (Gordon Maeda), who have fallen out of the national team, will enter the Olympics without being able to dispel the humiliation of going behind the scenes.
And Nishikata, who watches over the competition, wishes Harada’s first jump to “fall!” In his heart.
And once again, Harada’s big stall jump puts him in 4th place, and the gold medal is far away.
Before the second jump, a blizzard occurred and the competition was interrupted. Whether to resume the second competition or to decide the ranking based on the results of only the first competition, the judge who made the referee said, “If all the test jumpers can fly safely, the competition will resume.”
It will be left to the gold medal of the reversal or 25 test jumpers in the 4th place or the 2nd run.
Since it is a movie of the most famous story in the history of the Olympics, I wrote about the story, but with the support of so many test jumpers, I was surprised that Harada’s “Funaki” scene was born. Becomes hot.
I’m still dissatisfied with the script, which was greedy to spot all the characters, but it’s a movie that makes me cry. Please prepare two handkerchiefs.
Last but not least, I don’t think I’ll be watching the Tokyo Olympics anymore.
明日に向かって撃てCinema Column 【Butch Cassidy and Sundance kid】
June 5, 2021
『明日に向かって撃て』1969年公開 私のアメリカンニューシネマといわれる映画との初めての出会いで、音楽のバート・バカラックとの出会いの映画でもあります。 確か中学1年生の時、マカロニウエスタンにハマっていまして、同じ様 …
『BUTCH CASSIDY and the SUNDANCEKID』released in 1969
It was my first encounter with a movie called American New Cinema, and it was also a movie of my encounter with music Burt Bacharach.
Certainly, when I was in the first year of junior high school, I was addicted to macaroni western, and I watched it at the movie theater hoping that it would be a similar movie (not in real time, lol), but it was a completely different movie. It’s been ten years since I bought the soundtrack LP for the first time, and it’s still on the shelves of my parents’ house.
If you ask me to give you my favorite movie, I can make some candidates, but I would like to give this movie that has the best matching of images with music. I think there are many people like that.
The other day, Billy Joe Thomas, who sang the theme song “Raindrops Keep Fallin”, passed away.
The idyllic scene of Paul Newman and Catherine Ross riding two bicycles in the movie, “Even if it gets wet in the rain” (two bicycles in the soundtrack), is too famous.
I was still a kid, but I remember watching the stylish images, the stylish adult lines, and the nice background music.
This time it was a memorial BJ Thomas.
The movie is about 1890, a real outlaw, Butch Cassidy and Sundance Kid.
Butch Cassidy (Paul Newman), who leads a well-known robbery group, is a bright and good-spoken man. Butch’s companion was Sundance Kid (Robert Redford), who made a name for himself as a gunman with a quiet and quick shot without any amiability in contrast to Butch.
The brilliant chase and sheriff hired by Union, which was damaged by the robbery of the round-trip train, will be relentlessly chased.
Butch, who thought he couldn’t escape from the chase, could speak Spanish, and Bolivia invited Sundance to fly high because of the good economy of the old gold rush, and he also rides Sundance.
Sundance lover Etta (Catherine Ross) accompanied them on the condition that they did not see only the place where they died, and they arrived safely in Bolivia on a luxury steamer, but …
The sleek lines, the coolness of Paul Newman and Robert Redford, and the beauty of Catherine Ross are still my dreams.
Thank you Robert Redford, Catherine Ross and Burt Bacharach for still alive.
Every time Burt Bacharach comes to Japan, I go to see it, but I would like to expect him to come back to Japan when Corona is over.
I like the song “Abandoned House” that plays when Etta leaves the two in the second half of the movie. Ask me to raise it in the music column next time.
ノンストップCinema Column 【Non -stop】
May 14, 2021
【ノンストップ】2021年公開 東京は予想通り緊急事態宣言が延長になり、去年ほどの緊張感はないものの、やっぱり家にいる時間は長くなっていきます。 前回に引き続いて韓国映画になりますが、号泣したあとは軽めのワンシチュエーシ …
パパロッティCinema Column『Paparotti』
May 1, 2021
【パパロッティ】2014年公開 またしてもステイホームのGWになってしまいましたが、今回もオペラものです。 前回の映画はパヴァロッティ、今回はパパロッティです。 かってはオペラ歌手として将来を嘱望されながらも夢破れ、片田 …
パヴァロッティ 太陽のテノールCinema Column 『Pavarotti Taiyo no Tenor』
April 24, 2021
【パヴァロッティ 太陽のテノール】2020年公開 タラララララララ~ン♪、タラララララララ~ン♪♪ ラーラーラーラー♪♬(わからないよね 笑)かの有名なトゥーランドットの『誰も寝てはならぬ』の歌い手として有名なオペラ歌手 …
Pavarotti Taiyo no Tenor Released in 2020
Talala la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la
I watched a documentary program featuring Pavarotti’s life and
I remember being impressed to hear Pavarotti sing “Nessun dorma” at the opening ceremony of the Turin Olympics for the first time. Later, it turned out that he was lip-synching, and he died while various speculations flew around, saying that he was illand his voice was not at a level that he could show live. I remember thinking that was a life-threatening performance for him ..
I watched this movie with only such knowledge, but I was really fascinated by Pavarotti’s background from the beginning of this movie by director Ron Howard.Taking the opportunity to replace a sick star singer, how Pavarotti become a major singer and his private life are depicted in the film.
Not only the co-starring scene with Placido Domingo and Jose Carreras, who are said to be the three miraculous Tenors, but also the session with Bono of U2 iswonderful. Pavarotti begged him to write a song, and Bono reluctantly accepted it, and they went to Modena, Pavarotti’s hometown and sang together “Miss Sarajevo”,which is a very moving scene.
The friendship with Princess Diana is also mentioned in the movie, which shows Pavarotti’s feelings at her funeral when he refused to sing because he was too sad to sing.
Most of the documentaries of the big music stars have a tragic life, but this movie is a proof that the big star Pavarotti survived with all his might.
名もなき生涯Cinema Column 『A Hidden Life』
April 9, 2021
【名もなき生涯】2020年公開 皆さんは映画の上映時間はどのくらいが理想ですか?僕は映画の種類にもよるところですが、1時間45分が理想だと思っています。しかし、10年に一本ぐらいは長くても納得の映画があります。テレンス・ …
ミナリCinema Column 『Minari』
March 31, 2021
【ミナリ】2021年公開 1980年代、農業で成功することを夢見て韓国系移民のジェイコブ(スティーブン・ユァン)が家族を引き連れてアーカンソー州の高原に到着します。 荒れた土地に置いてあったボロボロのトレーラーが住まいだ …
Minari] Published in 2021
In the 1980s, Korean immigrant Jacob (Steven Yeun) arrives on the plateau of Arkansas with his family, dreaming of success in agriculture.
Her wife, Monica (Han Yeri), finds out that a tattered trailer lives in a rugged land, but is worried about the future, but her curious younger brother, David, and his sister, who suffers from her heart, are solid. Ann finds hope in nature and trainer life.
While working to sort out male and female chicken chicks, Jacob cultivates rugged land and struggles to draw water.
Eventually, his tongue-in-cheek grandmother, Sunja (Yoon Yo-jung), joins in and builds a strange bond with his grandson, David.
However, although the agriculture seemed to be going well, the water withdrawal did not go well and the agriculture could not stand. Her wife, Monica, persuades Jacob to return to Los Angeles to raise her child, but Jacob still takes a step back and the couple are in conflict.
While doing so, an unexpected incident occurs …
It’s just been screened, so this is the story.
It depicts the collapse and rebirth of the family against the backdrop of the wonderful nature of Arkansaw. You can enjoy just watching Youn Yuh Jung, who is said to be the treasure of Korea, but Alan Kim, who plays David, is the best. It seems that he has no acting experience, but it is a masterpiece that reminds me of when I was a child. I would like to give the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor. Also, Will Patton of “Armageddon” appears as an American who helps Jacob, adding an accent to the movie.
Actually, it was Youn Yuh Jung, and I expected it to be a family member who would cry at the end, but it was a little different from what I expected. It’s a movie that makes you feel refreshed as if the sun were shining after the rain.
If I was 10 years younger, I might have said that I would do farming with my family.
今さら言えない小さな秘密Movie Column 【Raoul Taburin】
March 23, 2021
【今さら言えない小さな秘密】2019年公開 映画を選ぶ時はだいたいジャンルは問いませんが、物凄くハラハラできたり、怖がったり、号泣するほど感動したりと、満足度100%を狙います。 それでも重いテーマが続いたり、ハラハラド …