BECK 『Morning Phase』Music Column BECK 『Morning Phase』
December 19, 2019
やっと冬な気候になってきましたね。と思って今回は冬に聴くのがいいかなと思ったBECKのアルバム『Morning Phase』を取り上げます。
Beck – Blue Moon (Audio)
At last, the weather has become winter. So, this time, I will take up BECK’s album “Morning Phase”, which I thought it would be good to listen to in winter.
BECK is a folk, rock, hip-hop, and blues artist whose style changes from album to album, but this album is more of a folk type, with a relaxing atmosphere from the beginning to the end and a quiet winter vacation as the title says. I think of the morning of the day. I always flutter in the morning and sleep until near noon, so I think of an imaginary ideal morning scenery… (laughs)
It’s a 2014 album, but after a while since I started listening, I realized that it would be nice to revisit the song or album that I want to listen to when I feel like this.