音楽コラムMusic Column
『Beach Samba』
September 19, 2022
早いもので9月も後半。日に日に秋らしくなっています。 そういえば今年は梅雨明けが早く、夏が長かったんですよね。 それでもインドア派の私には夏らしい出来事がありませんでした。 昨年初夏に、海を見ながらお弁当を食べよう、とお …
It’s early and the second half of September. It’s getting more autumnal day by day.
Come to think of it, the rainy season ended early this year, and the summer was long.
Still, I didn’t have a summer-like event for me who is an indoor person.
In the early summer of last year, a friend invited me to eat lunch while looking at the sea, but it rained on the day of the event, so I planned to revenge this year, but it rained again.
It was decided that I would not be able to resist my rain woman, so the plan was cancelled.
Ah, now I no longer have to go to the beach.
Maybe he will stop inviting me and invite someone else… sad.
Summer ended this year, and autumn began with an even sadder feeling than usual.
Today’s song is “Beach Samba” (1967), a scat song sung by Astrud’s Gilberto. Contrary to the cheerful song title, the somewhat sad melody fits perfectly with the current mood of the end of summer and the arrival of autumn♪
Olivia Newton-John 『Have You Never Been Mellow』Olivia Newton-John『Have You Never Been Mellow』
August 18, 2022
基本、古い音楽がしっくり来る私は懐かしいとかも思わず普通に昔の曲を聴いています。 今回は追悼、オリビア ニュートン ジョンさん「そよ風の誘惑」。 世代的にはレオタード姿のちょっと激しめなオリビアさんの記憶がありますがそれ …
Basically, I’m comfortable with old music, so I usually listen to old songs without feeling nostalgic.
This time, in memory of Olivia Newton-John, “Have You Never Been Mellow”. In terms of generations, I have memories of Olivia who was a little fierce in a leotard, but this is a hit song from 1975 before that.
A long time ago, when I was young, I spent a lot of time out at night, and one day I was sleepy and tired and wanted to go home, but I couldn’t go home until the first train started. Then, suddenly, this song with a completely different atmosphere from before was played. After dawn, morning came. “What a lovely song! Oh, I can finally go home!”
I fell in love with this song because the gap between the refreshing singing voice in the dark space was even more refreshing, and it healed my heart.
Memories are different for each person, but from now on, I want to listen to this song and feel at ease when I’m tired of overdoing it ♪
『The Lady Wants to Know 』『The Lady Wants to Know 』
July 12, 2022
いつもだと今頃は梅雨の真っ只中のはずが今年は観測史上最も早い梅雨明けという事で心構えもできていないまま急に夏がやって来ました。 音楽コラムももう一曲くらい雨関連を考えていましたが変更〜。 暑〜い夏に力の抜けた癒しの歌声が …
Normally, it should be in the middle of the rainy season at this time, but this year is the earliest end of the rainy season in the history of observation, so summer came suddenly without being prepared.
I was thinking about another song related to rain in the music column, but I changed it.
From the 1977 album “Lady Wants to Know” by Michael Franks, who has a soothing singing voice that is soothing in the hot summer.
It seems that the chilly sound that starts from the cool intro also relaxes the hot and rugged expression.
It’s a song that you want to listen to without thinking about anything while drinking cold herbal tea ♪
Music Column『Rainy Days and Mondays』Music Column 『Rainy Days and Mondays』
June 13, 2022
『Rainy Days And Mondays 』 来ました、梅雨。今年はなんだか春から雨が多かったし梅雨明けまで長いのかなぁ〜。雨が楽しい出来事だったらいいのに。 雨の日のメリットを調べてみると ・湿度によってお肌が乾 …
“Rainy Days And Mondays”
I’m here, the rainy season. It’s been raining a lot since spring this year, so I wonder if it’s a long time until the end of the rainy season. I wish the rain was a fun event.
If you look at the benefits of a rainy day
・ Humidity protects skin from dryness
・ The sound of rain has a relaxing effect and calms the mind.
・ Pollen does not fly
・ The light looks gentler and the colors look more beautiful than in fine weather.
And so on, it seems that there are some things that make me happy.
Today is “Rainy Days and Mondays” (1971) from among the many famous songs of the Carpenters.
It’s a song that I’ve heard from nowhere since I was a kid, but when I listen to it again, I listen to it. Harmonica and saxophone also add to the feeling of melancholy.
It’s a song that you want to listen to honestly and moistly without trying to cheer up on a gloomy rainy day ♪
音楽コラム『ロリータ ゴー ホーム/1975年』Music Column 『Lolita Go home/1975』
May 24, 2022
ふと、年齢を尋ねられたり記入する時に即答できない時、ありませんか? はて、私は今、幾つなのか、と。しばらく前から続いているこの現象はなんなのでしょうか。 『ロリータ ゴー ホーム/1975年』 この曲は当時アンニュイで格 …
Do you have a time when you are asked for your age or cannot answer immediately when you fill it out?
Well, how many are I now? What is this phenomenon that has been going on for some time?
“Lolita Go Home / 1975”
This song was the first to hear the cover (’84) of Asami Kobayashi (still very nice) who was cool at that time. It was very impressive and I could sing immediately, only the chorus part.
Since then, I’ve grown up a lot, but even now, I feel happy when I listen to it.
I want to keep the feelings of those days even as I get older.
In addition to Jane Birkin’s cute singing voice, the guitar is also cool ~ ♪
音楽コラム『Amor de Loca Juventud 』Music Column 『Amor de Loca Juventud 』』
April 18, 2022
サラウェアのショップが1997年のオープンから25周年という今、私もお店でお客様をお迎えする事が出来てとても光栄です。ありがとうございます。 今から25年前の私は…初めての就職先を退職し、さまよっていました。入口のドアに …
Now that the Saraware shop is 25 years old since it opened in 1997, I am very honored to be able to welcome customers at the shop. Thank you very much.
Twenty-five years ago, I … retired from my first job and was wandering around. It was also in 1997 that I was interviewed for a part-time job at a snack in the city with the tag “Membership Club” on the entrance door and got fired on the first day.
I think it was destined to meet Saraware ten years later. What?
This time, the same 1997 album, American guitarist Ry Cooder revived and produced “Buena Vista”, a veteran Cuban singer and musician who was once active on the front lines, whom he met in Cuba while traveling.・ From “Social Club”.
The album title was the name of an existing membership-based music club, which became their band name, and then a documentary film was released.
One song from such a wonderful album.
“AMOR DE LOCA JUVENTUD”. In Japanese, it means “sloppy love in youth”, but it’s a song that makes you feel happy.
Águas De Marco Águas De Marco
March 28, 2022
3月は春に向かって陽ざしも明るくなり、暖かくなったと思ったら雪が降ったり、強風に煽られたり、寒の戻りとか…色んなお天気に振り回されちゃいますが、そんな時は心を穏やかにこの曲はいかがでしょうか。 『Aguas de Mar …
In March, the sun became brighter toward spring, and when I thought it was warm, it snowed, it was blown by strong winds, the cold returned, and so on. Is it yes?
The Japanese title of “Aguas de Marco” is “March Rain”.
The duet with Elis Regina is a very famous song by Antonio Carlos Jobim, a musician who represents Brazilian music, but this time I would like to listen to Elis’s solo version (1972).
It seems that March is the end of summer in Brazil, but the laid-back melody feels like March in Japan! The cherry blossom season has finally begun and I want to relax and enjoy the arrival of spring ♪
『All Gone Away』
March 4, 2022
日増しに陽ざしが春めいてきてウキウキしています。まだ寒いんですけど冬服だと暑いと感じるようになりましたね。 段々と日も長くなり気持ちも明るくなるこの季節。早く寒さや厄介な事から解放されて自由になりたい! 本日はスタイルカ …
The sun is shining in the spring and I’m excited. It’s still cold, but I feel hot in winter clothes.
This season, when the days get longer and the feelings get brighter. I want to be free from the cold and troublesome things as soon as possible!
Today from the Style Council’s 2nd album “Our Favorite Shop” (1985).
The bossa nova-like rhythm and gentle voice are very comfortable songs.
The flute performance is also wonderful ♪
音楽コラム『Killy (Version 1, Chant) 』
February 11, 2022
昨年夏に東京オリンピックが開催されたばかりで今は冬季オリンピックの真っ最中!こんなに続けてスポーツの祭典を楽しませてもらえて嬉しいです! ところが私は競技をリアルタイムで見るのが苦手です。選手の経歴や今までの特訓の苦労と …
The Tokyo Olympics were just held last summer and are now in the middle of the Winter Olympics! I’m glad that you can continue to enjoy the sports festival!
However, I am not good at watching the competition in real time. Even though I don’t know the player’s career and the hardships of the special training so far, I feel like a relative and I’m thrilled and I can’t watch it live.
After the results are obtained, I calmly look at the digest version, etc., and I am really entertained by warming my heart, screaming, and giving a big applause.
This song is a documentary film of the 1968 Grenoble Winter Olympics
From “Grenobles” directed by Claude Lelouch.
The work was done by Francis Lai, who is familiar with French cinema music. The main theme song of the movie is famous, but this “Killy’s Theme” is said to be a song in honor of Jean-Claude Killy, who was overwhelmingly active in alpine skiing at that time. Nicole Croisille, who is famous for the theme song of the movie “Man and Woman”, Daba Dabada … ♪, is singing.
『Samba De Orfeu』『Samba De Orfeu』
January 24, 2022
ハッピー ニューイヤー 2022!ご挨拶が遅くなりましたが今年もどうぞよろしくお付き合いくださいませ。 新年最初の曲は『オルフェのサンバ』。 ボサノバギタリストのルイス ボンファ作曲の映画『黒いオルフェ』(1959年)の …
Happy New Year 2022! Greetings have been delayed, but I look forward to working with you again this year.
The first song of the new year is “Orfeu Samba”.
It is an insert song of the movie “Black Orpheus” (1959) composed by bossa nova guitarist Luiz Bonfá, and is one of the representative songs of bossa nova. There are other famous songs in the movie. This is a comfortable song with a refreshing guitar tone and a different arrangement from the movie version.
May 2022 be a year of calm like this song!