音楽コラムMusic Column
音楽コラム『O Holy Night』Music Column 『O Holy Night』
December 24, 2021
いよいよですね、クリスマス。 この日のために随分前から街ではクリスマスの演出がされていて、見慣れてしまっていたけど間際になってようやく実感しています。 今年もあと数日。 さて、今年の音楽コラムの大トリを飾るのは私の一番好 …
It’s finally Christmas.
For this day, Christmas has been produced in the city for a long time, and I’ve become accustomed to it, but I’ve finally realized it just before that.
A few more days this year.
By the way, my favorite Christmas song “O Holy Night” will decorate the big bird of this year’s music column.
It’s great that a big singer sings, but this song is still a chorus! The beautiful chorus seems to purify your mind. My main Christmas is to eat a treat while saying that.
It was
I wish you all a wonderful Christmas ♪
And thank you for visiting the music column again this year.
Have a nice New Year holidays! ︎
音楽コラム『Chora Tua Tristeza』Music Column 『Chora Tua Tristeza』
December 17, 2021
12月ももう後半。寒さが増して来る頃ですが冬のボサノバ、いかがですか? ブラジルのギタリストで作曲家のオスカー・カストロ・ネヴィスの1956年の曲『悲しいなら泣いて』。当時まだ16歳でこの曲を作ったとは…おませさん! 色 …
December is already the second half. It’s getting colder, but how about winter bossa nova?
Brazilian guitarist and composer Oscar Castro-Nevis’ 1956 song “Cry if sad”. At that time, I was only 16 years old when I made this song …
I was wondering who the version was good because it was sung by various people, but I chose the version sung by Gal Costa, the queen of Brazilian music.
The silky voice is a very comfortable song with a slower tempo than the original ♪
『Si l’on pouvait vraiment parler』『Si l'on pouvait vraiment parler』
November 30, 2021
なんだか寒いな〜、と気付けば冬がすぐそこに。 一時気温が下がったけどしばらく暖かい日が続いたので、良い気になってうららかな気持ちで過ごしてしまいました。 毎年の事ですがドリューはこの時期が苦手。気持ちよく年末年始を迎える …
If you notice that it’s kind of cold, winter is right there.
The temperature dropped for a while, but the warm days continued for a while, so I felt good and felt envious.
Every year, Drew is not good at this time. The latter is the pattern in which the latter wins as a result of alternating feelings of impatience and escapism that we must prepare early to reach the year-end and New Year holidays comfortably. Is there anyone similar? This is the type who wants to find friends and feel at ease.
No, it’s going to be the end of the year as it is!
By the way, this song will be the end of the popular Michel Berger special feature (unknowingly). A beautiful melody gently sung by France Gall on Berger’s gentle piano. It seems that it was recorded on the B side of the single version of the column “Confession of Love” (1974) two years ago.
I don’t understand the words, but I’m fascinated by the feeling of happiness.
It is a recommended song that will make you feel at ease when you are tired of the busyness of December, the lonely battle (cleaning), or before going to bed ♪
音楽コラム『Message personnel 』Music Column『Message personnel 』
November 10, 2021
秋が深まってきて私の哀愁モードはますます加速しております。秋のしんみり気分に追い討ちをかけ、しっとりソングでどっぷりもの思いにふけていたい私にお付き合いください。 前回、前々回とミシェル ベルジェの曲が続いたので今回もよ …
Autumn is deepening and my melancholy mode is accelerating. Please get along with me who wants to get rid of the mellow mood of autumn and indulge in a lot of thoughts with a moist song.
Last time, Michel Berger’s song continued from the last time, so thank you again this time.
This song, which begins quietly from the story, is the Japanese title “Confession” sung by Francoise Hardy.
It’s a hit song in 1973, but I first learned about this song about 30 years ago.
At that time, I was longing for the Ennui route and thought that the cool and laid-back atmosphere was cool, but even if I wanted to play it, my true character soon came out and I couldn’t finish it, and I ended up with the current character.
When I listened to the song for the first time in a long time, my delusion switch was turned on. It’s a song that makes you feel like an ennui person just while listening to it ♪
音楽コラム『 La déclaration d’amour』Music Column 『 La déclaration d'amour』
October 27, 2021
秋のしっとりソング祭り(勝手に)開催中〜!という事で今回は前回に続きフレンチポップスの歌手、作曲家として活躍したミシェル・ベルジェがフランス・ギャルに初めて楽曲提供したという曲で邦題は『愛の告白』。ロマンチックなラブソン …
Autumn Moist Song Festival (without permission) is being held! So this time, Michel Berger, who was active as a French pop singer and composer, provided the song to France Gall for the first time, and the Japanese title is “Confession of Love”. It’s a romantic love song.
Speaking of French gals, “Dreaming Chanson Doll” (1964), which has an impressive young and vigorous singing voice, is famous, but after a period of rest, it was produced by Michel Berger in 1974. Revived as a full-fledged adult singer from a former idol. It seems that they got married two years later.
Even though it was hot all the time when autumn started, it suddenly became cold and my heart was squeezed. a little bit! It’s not over yet, autumn! Soak in the sentimental mood and listen to it ♪
October 5, 2021
秋はしっとりムードな曲が聴きたくなりませんか? 本日はブラジル出身の三姉妹グループ、トリオ エスペランサによるカバーアルバムから。「いくつかの愛の言葉」というタイトルでフランソワーズ・アルディや奥様のフランス・ギャルを始 …
Would you like to listen to a song with a moist mood in autumn?
Today is a cover album by Trio Esperança, a group of three sisters from Brazil. Michel Berger’s 1980 work, which has provided songs to many singers, including Francoise Hardy and his wife, France Gall, under the title “Some Words of Love”. The beautiful harmony that is different from the original makes you feel calm.
By the way, I am also three sisters.
Red Red WineRed Red Wine
September 6, 2021
あー。飲みに行きたい。 とか言って家飲みも大好きな私。最近では宅飲みっていうんですか? お店のお料理をテイクアウトしたり、奮発してたまにはリッチな食材を買ってみたり。食べたいものばかり並べた食卓は最高‼︎チーズも各種用意 …
Ah. I want to go drinking.
I also love drinking at home. Do you drink at home these days?
Take out the food at the restaurant, and occasionally buy rich ingredients. The table with all the things you want to eat is the best! ︎ We also have a variety of cheeses and desserts today.
And the best thing about drinking at home is … you don’t have to go home! All you can listen to your favorite music! Hooray! ︎
But … I still want to go to a real shop. Professional dishes, nice dishes and arrangements, charcoal-grilled and awesome firepower cooking, something that is impossible at home. Thank you for cleaning up after meals.
It’s been a long time, but this time it’s the ending song of my favorite TV show. It’s a rerun because I can’t be on location right now, but it’s fun to watch people drink and eat, and at the same time I cry. I hope you can live a life where you can drink quickly and with peace of mind.
By the way, the red wine I recommend is the yakitori liver (sauce)!
La madrague
August 23, 2021
来てます、来てます!秋が来ています‼︎ 残暑はありますが吹く風が変わって来ましたし日が暮れるのも早くなり、夜には虫の演奏会が聴こえて来ます。 イベントがなくてもこうして自然界が季節の移り変わりを知らせてくれているのですね …
I’m coming, I’m coming! Autumn is coming! ︎
It’s still hot, but the wind changes, the sunset gets faster, and you can hear insect concerts at night.
Even if there are no events, the natural world will inform you of the changing seasons. Thank you for nature. And goodbye summer.
I’m really looking forward to the taste of autumn while regretting the summer when I feel sad about the enthusiastic singing voice of the cicadas!
The Japanese title of this song is “Goodbye to Two Summers”. You may want to listen to Bridget’s Bardot this time ⁉︎ Please see this column last year ♪
The Beachboys『Pet sounds』The beachboys『Pet Sounds』
August 5, 2021
インドア派の私は夏を満喫できるタイプでもないのですけど夏の終わりはなんだか開放感から目を覚さなければならないような、子供の頃の夏休みが終わる感覚を思い出します。 遊んでいたいけど実は新学期が始まるのも楽しみでワクワクしま …
And I’m a sect, I don’t have the end of summer vacation.
The semester was actually the first semester of the new semester, and I was excited.
A dubious intro from the tone of Guiro … A timbre that is refreshing to hear. It’s a song. The end of summer is coming.
Astrid Gilbert 『Gentle Rain』Astrid Gilbert 『Gentle Rain』
July 4, 2021
7月です!今は梅雨の真っ只中。早く梅雨明けしてほしいなー、なんて雨の中歩いていると近所に盛大に咲いているアジサイたちがチアガールのポンポンのように「頑張って〜!」と励ましてくれます。妄想は大切。 今年は髪をだいぶ短くした …
It’s July! Now in the middle of the rainy season. I want the rainy season to end soon. When I walk in the rain, the hydrangeas that are in full bloom in the neighborhood encourage me to do my best like a cheerleader’s pompom. Delusions are important.
This year, I’ve shortened my hair so much that I’m free from the problem of twirl due to the humidity, and I want to liven up myself and survive the rainy season! Contrary to the mood, please listen to this song that is moist and melancholy today. Bossa Nova Guitar Master Luis Astrud Gilberto sings a song from the movie of the same title by her Bonfa.