音楽コラムMusic Column
Leonard Cohen『Hallelujah』Leonard Cohen『Hallelujah』
December 28, 2020
毎年この時期が来ると新年を迎えるための準備に気持ちは焦りますが体は動きません。それは自分のせいなのですが、特に今年はあっという間に年末に連れてこられたような気分です。 色んなイベントがおあずけになった分、来年に向け期待が …
Every year when this time comes, I feel impatient to prepare for the New Year, but my body does not move. It’s my fault, but especially this year I feel like I was brought to the end of the year in no time.
Expectations will grow for next year as various events are added.
I hope the situation will improve soon.
Many covers were sung in this year’s music column, and each one has a different impression, and all of them are good songs, but I chose the astringent original.
Leonard Cohen he was a poet and novelist in addition to a musician.
The original was shocking because I listened to the gorgeous version first, but the gospel-style chorus has a feeling of the end of the year and I want to listen to it.
We hope you all have a good year.
Stevie Wonder 『Ave Maria』Stevie Wonder 『Ave Maria』
December 19, 2020
急に寒さが増したと思ったらそれもそのはず。気づいてはいましたけどもう12月も後半です。いよいよクリスマスです。 街の色んな所でクリスマスに向けて飾り付けがされ、キラキラ輝くイルミネーションにうっとりしたりプレゼントは何を …
If you think it’s getting cold suddenly, that should be it. I had noticed that December is already in the second half. It’s finally Christmas.
It’s a season when the outside is cold but warm, with decorations in various parts of the city for Christmas, fascinated by the glittering illuminations, and wondering what to give as gifts.
And although the busy end of the year is approaching, let’s cheat the impatient feeling and spend it now! Please! ︎
I feel an affinity to the sound of the familiar voice and harmonica. Stevie Wonder’s Ave Maria is recommended ♪
『Your Eyes』『Your Eyes』
November 20, 2020
遥か昔、小学生の頃。徒歩30分位かけて隣町の学習塾まで通っていました。 塾のお友達は私の通う学校のクラスメイトより身なりも話題もちょっと大人っぽくてお友達になれたのが嬉しくて勉強どころではありませんでした。 そんな遠くま …
A long time ago, when I was in elementary school. It took about 30 minutes on foot to go to the cram school in the neighboring town.
My friends at the cram school were a little more mature than my classmates at the school I attended, and I was happy to be friends with them, so I couldn’t study.
I wonder what I was going to do so far …
The neighboring town is close to the downtown area, and my friends were accustomed to going to the movies with their children alone, which was cool.
When I was invited to join me, I felt like I was a little grown up.
The day of farewell will come soon, but my memory is vague and I don’t remember how I spent the last time with everyone.
As a junior high school student, I moved, and my friend’s memory remains in the sixth grade of elementary school.
I wonder what kind of adults everyone is.
It’s been a long time, but this “Your Eyes” is the theme song of the movie “La Boum 2” starring Sophie Marceau, which will be released after that, and listening to this song reminds me of those days when I was longing for boys and girls in the neighboring town. It will be a tune.
『Tango Lunaire』『Tango Lunaire』
November 3, 2020
秋はお月さまがきれいですよね。 なのにことごとくお月さまを見るのを忘れてしまいました。先日もお客さまとお月さまがきれいと盛り上がったのに帰り道は晩ご飯の事で夢中になり空を見るよりスーパーに向かいまっすぐ突進してしまいまし …
The moon is beautiful in autumn, isn’t it?
But I forgot to see the moon. The other day, the customers and the moon were enthusiastic, but on the way back, I was absorbed in dinner and rushed straight toward the supermarket rather than looking at the sky.
I want you to manage my appetite with the mysterious energy of the moon.
How about tango while watching the moon?
“Tango Lunaire” The tango of the month is from the movie “TANGO” released in 1998.
Aside from the story of the movie, I went to the product sales corner to buy a CD immediately after watching the movie.
Produced by film music composer Lalo Schifrin, it is full of enchanting songs from familiar tango representative songs to original songs.
It’s a song that I rarely listen to, but sometimes I want to listen to it.
Pierre Barouh 『La nuit des masques』Pierre Barouh 『La nuit des masques』
October 17, 2020
秋が段々深まってきて寒さも感じるこの頃。 少し前まで暑くて鬱陶しかったマスクがこれからは冷たい空気からも守ってくれる嬉しいアイテムです‼︎マスクって便利です。 電車の中で携帯見ててちょっと笑っちゃってもマスクしていれば大 …
Around this time, autumn is getting deeper and I feel cold.
The mask, which was hot and annoying until a while ago, is a nice item that will protect you from the cold air from now on! ︎ Masks are convenient.
Even if you look at your cellphone on the train and laugh a little, it’s okay if you wear a mask, and listening to music and lip-synching …
Although the meaning was different from the mask of the title of the song, this “Masked Night” was recorded in Pierre Barouh’s album “VIKLNG BANK” released in 1976, which is familiar in the movie “A Man and a Woman”, and Drew This is one of the fashionable songs that my older sister listened to when she was a child.
I didn’t understand the meaning of the wonderful song, so I took my WALKMAN (nostalgic) to school, listened to it together, and danced in a circle.
It’s such a memorable song.
Trio Esperança『Caminho da razao』Trio Esperança『Caminho da razao』
September 26, 2020
皆さんはどのような秋をお過ごしですか? 今回は芸術の秋という事で選んでみたのは、バッハの代表曲で式場とかでお馴染みの『G線上のアリア』のメロディでブラジル出身のトリオ エスペランサがポルトガル語で歌っているこの曲です。 …
What kind of autumn are you all having?
This time, I chose Bach’s representative song, “Air on the G String,” which is a melody of “Air on the G String,” sung by Brazilian trio Esperanza in Portuguese.
In the a cappella group of three sisters who have been active since childhood in the 1960s, “Esperanza” means “hope.”
It is included in the album released in 2010 after working based in France for a while and returning to Brazil for a long rest.
The beautiful a cappella singing voice, which is different from the classical music of solemn or magnificent performance, makes you feel close enough to sing a famous song with a humming song.
Why don’t you listen to it leisurely during the long autumn nights?
Sérgio Mendes『My Favorite Things』Sérgio Mendes『My Favorite Things』
September 4, 2020
色んな風物詩を感じられないまま過ごしてる今年。 ようやくという気持ちとそしてあっという間に、これから秋が始まります。日本特有と言われてる四季。秋を長く感じていられたら嬉しいな♪私の一番好きな季節です。 『私のお気に入り』 …
This year I’m spending without feeling any of the various traditions.
With the feeling of finally, and in no time, autumn is about to begin. The four seasons are said to be unique to Japan. I would be happy if I could feel autumn for a long time ♪ It is my favorite season.
“My Favorite Things”. This song, originally sung as a musical, is the same, but I was taught the originals of various masterpieces with the cover of Sergio Mendes.
There are various versions, but this one is also stylish. Ah, I want to go to Kyoto! ︎
Jane Birkin『Rocking Chair』Jane Birkin『Rocking Chair』
August 25, 2020
女優さんが続いた流れから来まして今回はジェーン バーキン。 白いシャツに着古したジーンズのナチュラルで気取りのないスタイルがかっこよくて憧れました。美しさは真似できませんが素敵な笑顔はお手本にしたいドリューです。 優しく …
Jane Birkin comes this time from the flow of actresses.
I admire the natural, unpretentious style of white shirts and worn jeans. I can’t imitate beauty, but Drew wants to have a nice smile as a model.
It is healed by a unique singing voice that is kind and faint.
The “Rocking Chair” (1978) is recommended when you want to relax at tea or bar time at home. Of course it is a song by Gainsbourg.
Brigitte Bardot『Une histoire de plage』Brigitte Bardot『Une histoire de plage』
August 15, 2020
今年は梅雨明けが遅かったせいか、ようやく夏らしくなったように思っていたらもう8月も半ばが過ぎ秋が近づいています。 お店では秋のコレクションもスタートしていて新作が届くたびワクワクしちゃいます。 残暑は厳しいですが心はもう …
Maybe it’s late in the rainy season this year, and I thought it was finally summer, but the middle of August has already passed and autumn is approaching.
Autumn collection has started in the store, and I am excited when a new item arrives.
The summer heat is tough, but my heart is already autumn.
I usually want to listen to a sentimental song quietly at the end of the summer, when it was noisy.
This song, with a soft melody, is the 1964 song “Hamabe no Monogatari” when actress Brigitte Bardot began singing.
It’s a sentimental song that even an adult drew can return to a maiden.
Françoise Hardy『I Think It’s Gonna Rain Today』Françoise Hardy 『I Think It's Gonna Rain Today』
July 31, 2020
もうすぐ梅雨明け‼︎ 雨女でおなじみのドリューのおすすめの雨にちなんだ曲はいくつかあるのですが、今回はフランソワーズ アルディが歌う英語の曲『悲しい雨が』を選んでみました。 私も久々に聴きましたがとっても心が落ち着きます …
Soon after the rainy season! ︎
There are several songs recommended by Drew, who is familiar with Amame, but this time I chose the English song “Sad Amiga” sung by Francoise Ardi.
I’ve listened to it for a long time, but it’s very calming.
Ardi, who has been active as a singer and actress since the 1960s, is really wonderful now.