音楽コラムMusic Column
Brigitte Bardot『Une histoire de plage』Brigitte Bardot『Une histoire de plage』
August 15, 2020
今年は梅雨明けが遅かったせいか、ようやく夏らしくなったように思っていたらもう8月も半ばが過ぎ秋が近づいています。 お店では秋のコレクションもスタートしていて新作が届くたびワクワクしちゃいます。 残暑は厳しいですが心はもう …
Maybe it’s late in the rainy season this year, and I thought it was finally summer, but the middle of August has already passed and autumn is approaching.
Autumn collection has started in the store, and I am excited when a new item arrives.
The summer heat is tough, but my heart is already autumn.
I usually want to listen to a sentimental song quietly at the end of the summer, when it was noisy.
This song, with a soft melody, is the 1964 song “Hamabe no Monogatari” when actress Brigitte Bardot began singing.
It’s a sentimental song that even an adult drew can return to a maiden.
Françoise Hardy『I Think It’s Gonna Rain Today』Françoise Hardy 『I Think It's Gonna Rain Today』
July 31, 2020
もうすぐ梅雨明け‼︎ 雨女でおなじみのドリューのおすすめの雨にちなんだ曲はいくつかあるのですが、今回はフランソワーズ アルディが歌う英語の曲『悲しい雨が』を選んでみました。 私も久々に聴きましたがとっても心が落ち着きます …
Soon after the rainy season! ︎
There are several songs recommended by Drew, who is familiar with Amame, but this time I chose the English song “Sad Amiga” sung by Francoise Ardi.
I’ve listened to it for a long time, but it’s very calming.
Ardi, who has been active as a singer and actress since the 1960s, is really wonderful now.
Mongo Santamaria 『Watermelon Man』Mongo Santamaria 『Watermelon Man』
July 9, 2020
皆さんの夏のマストアイテムは何ですか? 夏といえば色々ありますが夏はやっぱり西瓜ではないでしょうか。子供の頃は夢中になって実と皮の境目のもう甘くないところまで食べたものです。 お塩をかけることによって甘さを引き出す魔法も …
Watermelon Man
What is your summer must-have item?
Speaking of summer, there are various kinds, but I think summer is definitely watermelon. When I was a kid, I fell in love with it and ate it even when the boundary between fruit and skin was not so sweet.
I also learned the magic of bringing out sweetness by adding salt.
Right now, there is also a creamy watermelon that is yellow, but I’ve never eaten it. This year, I am grateful for the benefits of the season.
The Cuban-born conga player Mongo Santa Maria arranges the famous song “Water Melon Man” by jazz master Harvey Hancock in a lively and fun way.
Taco 『Singin’ In The Rain』Taco 『Singin' In The Rain』
June 22, 2020
ようやくお出かけしやすくなったかと思えば梅雨。 梅雨時期の湿度がお肌に良いとか聞いたことありますが本当なら嬉しいけどドリューの場合、湿気で髪はクルクルになっちゃってそういうふうにブローで仕上げてると思われたら嫌だなーとか …
The rainy season seems to make it easier to go out.
I’ve heard that the humidity during the rainy season is good for your skin, but I’m really happy, but in the case of drew, it’s too much to think that it would be bad if the hair was curled up due to humidity and it would be blown like that. Or?
There are a lot of sad songs related to rain, but when I listen to the electric “Sing in the Rain” sung by the Dutch-born Taco from Jakarta, it makes me feel radiant.
It seems that he was originally a stage actor and the movement is interesting, and the singing voice is wonderful.
It’s fun to cover various other famous songs.
Grace Jones『La vie en rose』Grace Jones 『La vie en rose』
June 9, 2020
お店が無事再開してお客様とお会いでき、楽しく会話ができる事に感謝し、ひしひしと喜びを感じています。休業中のひと月半、こんなにも限られた数人の人としか喋らなかった事なんて私の人生の中でありませんでした。 なのでお越しいただ …
I am very happy and grateful that the store has been successfully reopened and I have been able to meet customers and have a pleasant conversation. It was not in my life that I talked with such a limited number of people for a month and a half when I was closed.
So I’m sorry for the lengthy talks to everyone who came! Besides, it’s not related to clothes.
Talking, laughing and cheering for our customers, Drew is happy! Thank you!
Many artists have sung “Rosy Life”, but I especially like this singer, model and actress Grace Jones. It’s a long time until the song begins. You can have about 2 glasses of white wine just with a nice intro that starts with a comfortable acoustic guitar.
Music Columnくるり『 琥珀色の街、上海蟹の朝』Music Column Kururi. 『Amber Town, Shanghai Crab Morning』
May 29, 2020
いいかげん髪ぐらい切りたい、スタッフIです。 イライラしてもどうしようもないので、そんな時には何のことを歌ってるのかよくわからない曲を聴きます。上海蟹食べたいという歌詞が印象的過ぎて最初はそれしか残らないんですが、リピー …
I’m Staff I, who wants to cut just as much hair.
There is nothing I can do to get frustrated, so at that time I listen to a song that I don’t know what I’m singing. The lyrics that I want to eat Shanghai crab are so impressive that only that one remains at the beginning, but it is a surume song that I find that it is a very good song that makes me feel easy when I repeat.
The PV animation is also cute.
Sly & The Family Stone 『Runnin’ Away』Music Column Sly & The Family Stone 『Runnin' Away』
May 20, 2020
いよいよお店再開に向けワクワクしながら準備をしているドリューです。 自粛で予定が中止になったりすっかり季節も変わってしまったけどまたお店でお客様とお会いできる事を思うと元気が湧いてきます‼︎ 今回は楽しい気持ちになっちゃ …
Drew is preparing for the reopening of the store.
The schedule has been canceled due to self-restraint and the season has completely changed, but I feel energized when I think that I can meet customers at the shop again! ︎
This is a song that makes me feel happy!
“Runnin Away” released in 1972 by American funk band Sly & The Family Stone.
It will be fun when you listen♪
Astrud Gilberto 『Light My Fire』Music Column Astrud Gilberto 『Light My Fire』
May 11, 2020
『イパネマの娘』『おいしい水』などでお馴染みのボサノバの歌姫 アストラッド ジルベルトが歌う1970年収録のアメリカのロックバンド ドアーズの代表曲『ハートに火をつけて』のカバー。 オリジナルはサイケデリックで不良な感じ …
A cover of the 1970s American rock band Doors’s song “Hit the Heart” sung by Astrod Gilberto, a bossa nova diva familiar with “Ipanema’s Daughter” and “Delicious Water”.
The original is psychedelic and it feels bad, but it’s so loose and cheerful Light My Fire is so happy that I’m so happy!
My brain relaxes due to the singing voice and the soft performance. Please listen to it at your leisure time!
Astrud Gilberto — Light My Fire
Phoenix 『Napoleon Says』Music Column Phoenix 『Napoleon Says』
May 6, 2020
お久しぶりです、スタッフIです。ドリューさんにもご登場いただいて、音楽コラムもバリエーション広がってきたかなと思います。 今回は、フランス・ヴェルサイユ出身のバンドPhoenixです。フランスのバンドですが歌詞は英語です …
It’s been a while, Staff I. I think Drew’s appearance has expanded the variety of music columns.
This time I’m from Phoenix, a band from Versailles, France. It’s a French band, but the lyrics are in English. However, it has a French feel, depending on how it is pronounced. Perhaps one of the members was a French pop rock, it seems that one of the members was in a band with two of Daft Punk before formation, and sometimes there is an electronic element.
The first time I heard in this band was “Napoleon Says”, but when I was looking for a song to use at an event when I was a student, a friend brought it to me as a candidate and I fell in love with it.
GW will be over, but stay home is likely to continue for a while. As for the column, I thought it was a good way to spend time digging up the songs I listened to long ago and remembering those days.
Music Column 原田知世『ロマンス』Music Column Tomoyo Harada 【Romance】
May 1, 2020
部屋の片付けをしていて忘れていたものが出て来て手が止まり『キュン!』となってしまう事、皆さんもありませんか?私、ドリューの場合はいちいち手が止まってしまい全然はかどらないんですけど… そんな『キュン!』というテーマで今回 …
When I was cleaning up my room, something I had forgotten came out and my hands stopped, “Kyun! Isn’t there something that will become “?” In the case of me, Drew, my hands stopped and it didn’t work at all…
Such “Kyun! The theme I chose this time was “Romance” released in 1997 by Tomoyo Harada, who is still pretty. It’s a refreshing song with a nostalgic and fashionable melody and a soothing singing voice from the first time you listened to it.
Stay Home Week I will do my best to try boxes that have not been opened since I moved.
Tomoyo Harada-“Romance”