The Beatles 『I will』Music Column The Beatles 『I will』
April 18, 2020
今回ピックアップするのは、1968年に発売されたアルバム『The Beatles』に収録されたポールマッカートニーの曲で後の奥様となるリンダへの愛を歌った最初の曲だそうです。
I Will (2018 Mix)
Hello. This is Drew from the shop staff who participated in the music column for the first time.
I’m basically an indoor person except for commuting to shops and home, and I usually spend my leisure time listening to music as usual.
It seems that the first song to be picked up this time is the song of Paul McCartney recorded in the album “The Beatles” released in 1968, singing love to his later wife, Linda.
There are many famous songs in The Beatles, but even if I hear this song name, it doesn’t come out easily, but I think that many people think “Ah, nostalgia”.
When you listen to a gentle melody full of love, you will be instantly relieved.
It’s a short song, so it’s a good song to listen to to change your mind.