Effortless Dress (ほっこりワンピース)Unwind Dress
May 14, 2020
初対面で意気投合する出会いもあれば、最初はちょっと苦手だなと言う人の色々な顔をみて、なんだかだんだんと好きになったり心強く感じたりして、すごいいい友達になったりする事もありますよね。 このワンピースは私にとっては後者の友 …
When I was young, I didn’t notice the advantages of border T-shirts at all. I wrote this story here before.
Similarly, a shirt with a front opening. After all, I didn’t wear it when I was young.
I didn’t like it because it felt like something wasn’t done, like a uniform.
It wasn’t easy to wear.
Midsummer is ridiculous.
No, I hope this will be a good year. It has become.
The good thing is that you don’t stick to your body first and feel the breeze.
Depending on the shape, it’s quite easy to wear, but it can give you a nice feeling.
Close the buttons tightly, open them a little, or open them all into a cardigan. Wide range of coordination.
In particular, I like the atmosphere that hemp shirts are worn under low-gauge knits not only in the middle of summer but also in the middle of winter.
This warm shirt (laugh, I had such a name before I knew it)
The pattern is good and the appearance is good, and the tencel linen is comfortable on the bare skin. It’s a nice feeling to wear it with a cuff wrapped around it or to wear it over the camisole.
With this shape… that fabric, or even this fabric… nice.
I think it will happen, lol.
Linen TartanLinen Tartan
April 24, 2020
ステイホームの生活... 私の場合は子供の学校がお休みになってからなので、かなりのベテランになります。 医療従事者の方々、皆が生活していけるようにウィルスと戦いながらも働かなくてはいけない方々のためにも、家の中にとどまる …
Stay home life. . .
In my case, I am quite a veteran because my child’s school is closed.
For those who are medical professionals and those who have to work while fighting the virus so that everyone can live, it is possible for me to stay at home.
Even so, I am living every day, hoping to have a little more fun and peace.
The problem is that I can’t meet people, so I’m less fashionable… No, it’s not possible.
Sometimes it may be nice to spend a fashionable surprise on a child.
It’s the perfect item for those times.
A tricolor blouse with a one-piece and classic round collar blouse. The tartan check has a serious and tough image, but since it uses soft eastern linen, it is easy to incorporate in daily life.
It feels so good that I feel like I’ll unnecessarily squeeze my child.
Everyone, please come and partner. Lol
The hugging effect seems to improve corona stress.
January 27, 2020
このリバティは一目惚れです。 もう他にも素敵なのいっぱいあったんですが、これは見るなりああしたいこうしたいが溢れてきました。 London fieids これはリバティのデザイナーが考えた架空の地図との事ですがLondo …
This Liberty is in love at first sight.
There were a lot of other wonderful things, but as soon as I saw this, there were a lot of things I wanted to do.
London fieids
This is a fictional map designed by Liberty designer, but seems to be looking at London Atoz. The map looks like a picture! I can only say that.
And you can hear British rock from this pattern. A cool sound that suits each street.
I want to make an elegant, playful and cool dress that reminds me of Viva in the 70’s… It seems like a lover of a musician is wearing it.
That’s why it looks like salaware, but it looks like a cool dress that is perfect for the fabric. ?
- 20AW
- 20SS
- 21aw
- 21ss
- allinone
- BAG / バッグ
- BalloonPants
- bandcollar
- blouse
- Blouson
- blue
- Cableami
- cardigan
- chino
- clarks
- COAT / コート
- DENIM / デニム
- Dress
- embroidery
- event
- felt
- FRENCH CLASSIC / フレンチクラシック
- gauze
- GINGHAM CHECK / ギンガムチェック
- hat
- hickory
- indianprint
- JACKET / ジャケット
- JohnSmedley
- jumperskirt
- KNIT / ニット
- lace
- lapskirt
- LIBERTY / リバティ
- LINEN / リネン
- Lyocell,Linen
- madras
- MASCULINE / マスキュラン
- NEW YEAR / ニューイヤー
- NORDIC SWEATER / ノルディックセーター
- ONE-PIECE / ワンピース
- order、
- OVERALL / オーバーオール
- PANTS / パンツ
- PARIS SUR MODE / パリシュールモード
- pleatsskirt
- popeye
- praboot
- pullover
- RAIN COAT / レインコート
- rayon
- salopette
- Satin Bowerbird / サテンバウワーバー
- season theme
- Shirts
- SKIRT / スカート
- Stripe
- TAILORED JACKET / テーラードジャケット
- Tee
- Tomoyo
- Tops
- TRANOI / トラノイ
- TRENCH COAT / トレンチコート
- TWEED / ツイード
- UNIFORM / ユニホーム
- used
- VEST / ベスト
- Vintage
- WORK / ワーク
- カットソー
- キルティング
- サラサラ出版
- トップス
- トップス,
- トップス,20ss
- トップス,blouse
- ドレス
- ワンピース
- ワンピース,21ss