Gauze Embroideryの服Gauze Embroidery clothes
April 6, 2021
母の影響か、手工芸品に目がありません。人の手によって作られた品々は心を惹きつける魅力があります。 国内外、旅に出ると必ずひとつは何か見つけて連れて帰りたくなるし、そのために旅に出ることもありました。 サラウ …
GauzeEmbroideryCardigan ¥16,280(tax in)C21682 GauzeEmbroiderySkirt ¥18,480(tax in)
Vintage ClothesVintage clothes
July 22, 2020
初めて古着屋さんを訪ねたのは高校1年生の時でした。当時人気のファッション雑誌を片手に原宿、青山を彷徨いました。 今程は店舗数ははるかに少ないものの、当時から大型のアメリカンな古着屋からヨーロッパのアンティーク物を扱うお洒 …
The first time I visited a used clothing store was in the first year of high school. I wandered around Harajuku and Aoyama with a popular fashion magazine at the time.
The number of stores is much smaller this time, but from that time on, large American vintage clothing stores, fashionable small stores handling European antiques, retro stores with old Japanese vintage clothing, etc… Young is wonderful! !!
The unified and beautiful space of the one brand is attractive, but the fun of visiting a used clothing store is that you can enjoy the unique treasure trove that has only one item, using only your own taste. It’s like a small expedition when it comes to exaggeration.
Therefore, even when I am a good old man, I still go on an expedition trip under the name of research. Interestingly enough, even children have different hobbies, but they seem to love such time travel, and they all want a mysterious antique piece that tilts their heads.
By the way, the introduction has become longer, but such time travel can now be enjoyed inside the Salaware store in Jiyugaoka.
There are various vintage closets in the times! !! It’s just one point, and all are cute and cute.
The display inside the store is more pop and fun than usual, so please come on a trip to find a little more exciting treasure in this season when you tend to feel depressed!
Cableamiさんの帽子Hat by Cableami
July 8, 2020
真夏のお洒落に欠かせないのはサンダルと帽子! 特に今年はマスクをしているからメイクのアピールは難しいし、お顔周りのおしゃれである帽子はかなり重要ポイントです。 去年の秋からサラウェアのお店に仲間入りしたca …
Sandals and hats are essential for fashionable summer!
Especially this year, I’m wearing a mask, so it’s difficult to appeal to makeup, and the fashionable hat around my face is a very important point.
Cableami’s hat, which has been a member of a salaware shop since last fall.
Each one is a friend I can rely on, who is quite unique and easy to complete the coordination.
If you are using a dough mask, it may be fun to coordinate your hat and mask.
A Liberty mask and a Kankan?
My personal recommendation is a cloth hat with an outdoor feel, the back is a little long to prevent irritating rays on the neck, and even though it’s an outdoor feel, a soft dress fits nicely.
Laceのお洋服Lace clothes
July 3, 2020
レース生地は、その存在自体が女子です。男性はまあ、まず着ませんね。 だったら思うぞんぶんその女性らしさを楽しみたいものです。 サラウェアのレースの服は清楚であってほしいと思っています。花で例えたらスミレや鈴蘭のようにうつ …
The existence of lace fabric is itself a girl. Well, men don’t wear it.
Then I would like to enjoy that femininity.
I want the clothing of salaware lace to be neat and clean. If you compare it to a flower, I want you to have a beautiful profile like a violet or Suzuran.
This season’s race is a loose French sleeve blouse and Parisiane summer dress.
I wonder if both have become gentle clothes that match a gentle smile.
Try to coordinate with a cute hat in midsummer!
June 27, 2020
このTシャツ 私のちょっとした落書きが2度も製品化されて感激です。 walk on the natural sideとは… そうです、ルー リード氏のあの名曲をちょっとサラウェア風にアレンジ?しました。 美味しいレストラ …
This t-shirt
I am impressed that my little graffiti has been commercialized twice.
What is walk on the natural side?
That’s right, arrange that masterpiece by Mr. Lou Reed in a Salaware style? Did.
I’ve lived in the glitter of the city, going to delicious restaurants, meeting friends, looking around fashionable shops, of course working.
Is such a building really necessary someday? Or where do you end up with such a lot of food? What is the cause of all kinds of disasters such as this summer, which is too hot? ?
When I started thinking about things like that, the life of seeking more than I needed became painful.
There are many times when I can think of things even more when I am working to make and sell things.
The things that hurt the most are the animals that should live in nature, and the creatures that are managed with a focus on productivity.
I think I have to thank every day for being alive and living.
I want all creatures to live their lives freely.
It’s that kind of T-shirt!
JohnSmedley and SarahwearJohnSmedley and Sarahwear
June 17, 2020
サラウェアでお仕事をする以前に、インポートのお洋服を扱うお店で働いていたことがあって、 新人の私は諸先輩方からあらゆるウンチクを叩き込まれたり、コーディネートをつつかれたり、失敗に涙したり、新人らしい青春をおくっておりま …
Before working at Salaware, I used to work at a store that handles imported clothes,
As a newcomer, I was struck by all kinds of poops by various seniors, being coordinated, tears of failure, and sending youth like a newcomer.
John Smedley, who was always seated in the staff’s three kinds of sacred weapons (which often change).
I still vividly remember that my senior was skating that he bought John Smedley only in the summer.
At that time, I also said, “I only buy summer! ” Later I realized that winter wool is also very good…
John Smedley in the summer is of course good. I think it can be said that the sea-island cotton is the one and only item that gives you all the touch, comfort, and quality of goods.
And, even if the design and trend color change, the British sense is indispensable for the retro and lovely coordination with a vintage feeling.
John Smedley + Liberty
John Smedley + jeans
John Smedley + Sarawear Bottoms…
This is the rule for elegant coordination in summer.
Linen clothesLinen clothes
June 11, 2020
夏の楽しみと言えば、かき氷、夏祭り、花火など… 麻の服を着る。もその楽しみに是非加えて欲しい! 暑いからとTシャツなどのカットソー素材に手が伸びがちですが、麻の服の爽やかさを知ってしまうとホントに暑い日に選ぶ服は変わって …
Speaking of summer fun, shaved ice, summer festivals, fireworks…
Wear hemp clothes. I want you to add it to the fun!
Hands tend to stretch out on cut-and-sew materials such as T-shirts because it is hot, but if you know the freshness of hemp clothes, the clothes you will choose on a hot day will change.
Introducing blouses and skirts that are recommended not only when you go out for a while, but also when you can’t take a step.
The blouse is loose and well-ventilated.
A cute walnut button with a different color
Tickle maiden gokoro.
The skirt is a luxurious long scare with plenty of fabrics.
It is said that craftsmen who dye hand towels and furoshiki dye this linen fabric carefully one by one.
If you say so, the unique shade is a clear and transparent color despite the intermediate color.
It has a soft touch and a gentle softness.
All the colors are interesting, and they are as good as the glitz of the summer festival.
Now, you can make a good photo in front of the apricot candy store or even before yo-yo fishing.
ほっこりシャツEffortless Shirt
June 5, 2020
ボーダーTシャツについて、若い時代は全くその良さに気がつかなかった。というお話を以前にこちらに書きました。 それと同じく前開きのシャツ。やはり若い頃にはほとんど着ませんでした。 なぜか…? なんかかしこまった感じがして嫌 …
When I was young, I didn’t notice the advantages of border T-shirts at all. I wrote this story here before.
Similarly, a shirt with a front opening. After all, I didn’t wear it when I was young.
I didn’t like it because it felt like something wasn’t done, like a uniform.
It wasn’t easy to wear.
Midsummer is ridiculous.
No, I hope this will be a good year. It has become.
The good thing is that you don’t stick to your body first and feel the breeze.
Depending on the shape, it’s quite easy to wear, but it can give you a nice feeling.
Close the buttons tightly, open them a little, or open them all into a cardigan. Wide range of coordination.
In particular, I like the atmosphere that hemp shirts are worn under low-gauge knits not only in the middle of summer but also in the middle of winter.
This warm shirt (laugh, I had such a name before I knew it)
The pattern is good and the appearance is good, and the tencel linen is comfortable on the bare skin. It’s a nice feeling to wear it with a cuff wrapped around it or to wear it over the camisole.
With this shape… that fabric, or even this fabric… nice.
I think it will happen, lol.
Liberty Flared SkirtFlared Skirt
June 2, 2020
第一印象って言うと、やはり喋る以前の事だから、着ている服の印象みたいなもんですよね。 通りすがりの袖振り合うだけの関係でも感動的な印象を与える事もできると思います。 私が多分振り返って二度見しちゃうなっていう素敵な女性は …
The first impression is that it’s before you speak, so it’s like an impression of the clothes you are wearing.
I think that it is possible to give a moving impression by just passing through the sleeves.
The wonderful woman I think I’ll probably look back and see twice
A person who coordinates a retro skirt with plenty of fabrics with a stimulating color pattern.
Those people usually have nice hair and make-up and behavior.
Now that I have to wear a mask, I tend to become more and more individualized.
At such times, wearing a beautiful patterned skirt is also fun for me, and it is a feast for my eyes.
A refreshing skirt that looks like a triangle cut out of the Liberty flower field, looks great in the early summer sky.
The slightly high waist and the clean lines are impressive…
It’s a promise to look back on someone.
The Summer and StripesThe Summer and Stripes
May 30, 2020
自粛生活が終わってみたら、ググッと夏が近くまで来ていました。 昼間はちょっと動くと汗ばむくらいです。 Tシャツ1枚の時期も目前ですね。 この夏可愛いTシャツ色々と用意してます。 今回は1枚でもサマになるシマシマ達のご紹介 …
Saraware specialties? Border T-shirt.
Liberty, Indian fabrics, denim, etc…
Especially in the summer, even if you wear it as a single piece, it is a protagonist item.
This year’s border fabric is soft and thin, so it can be used as a fashionable item in midsummer.
A short sleeve T-shirt with a 5 minute sleeve T-shirt that makes a slight difference due to switching and a print of Salaware’s original whale shark on the border. You can choose the color from the classic navy white to the individual.
Jinbei T chose the print color to suit each border.
The whale shark’s English name is whaleshark
Is it a whale? Is it a shark? Although it is a popular name, it is the biggest fish, but it is a shark, but it is friendly and rarely harms people.
I want to be a person who can give off a great aura even though he is just drifting like a whale shark.
Well, print T and switch T. It’s so cute that you can’t choose either!
- 20AW
- 20SS
- 21aw
- 21ss
- allinone
- BAG / バッグ
- BalloonPants
- bandcollar
- blouse
- Blouson
- blue
- Cableami
- cardigan
- chino
- clarks
- COAT / コート
- DENIM / デニム
- Dress
- embroidery
- event
- felt
- FRENCH CLASSIC / フレンチクラシック
- gauze
- GINGHAM CHECK / ギンガムチェック
- hat
- hickory
- indianprint
- JACKET / ジャケット
- JohnSmedley
- jumperskirt
- KNIT / ニット
- lace
- lapskirt
- LIBERTY / リバティ
- LINEN / リネン
- Lyocell,Linen
- madras
- MASCULINE / マスキュラン
- NEW YEAR / ニューイヤー
- NORDIC SWEATER / ノルディックセーター
- ONE-PIECE / ワンピース
- order、
- OVERALL / オーバーオール
- PANTS / パンツ
- PARIS SUR MODE / パリシュールモード
- pleatsskirt
- popeye
- praboot
- pullover
- RAIN COAT / レインコート
- rayon
- salopette
- Satin Bowerbird / サテンバウワーバー
- season theme
- Shirts
- SKIRT / スカート
- Stripe
- TAILORED JACKET / テーラードジャケット
- Tee
- Tomoyo
- Tops
- TRANOI / トラノイ
- TRENCH COAT / トレンチコート
- TWEED / ツイード
- UNIFORM / ユニホーム
- used
- VEST / ベスト
- Vintage
- WORK / ワーク
- カットソー
- キルティング
- サラサラ出版
- トップス
- トップス,
- トップス,20ss
- トップス,blouse
- ドレス
- ワンピース
- ワンピース,21ss