スカートを履こう!Let's wear a skirt!
September 5, 2020
最近、自粛生活、猛暑と相まって、楽な服に手が伸びがち… ワンピースとかゴムの入ったスカートやパンツ、楽ですよねー たくさん食べてもOKだし、パソコン前に座りっぱなしのお仕事の方も楽でしょう。 でもたまには自分を律して伸び …
Recently, due to the self-restraint and the heat wave, my hands tend to stretch into comfortable clothes…
One piece or elastic skirts and pants are easy.
It’s okay to eat a lot, and it would be easier for those who sit down in front of the computer to work.
But once in a while, I try to take in items that do not stretch for myself, or close the belt tightly.
The new autumn skirt is casual but a bit mature.
Moreover, there is no rubber in the waist.
There are 5 small tacks on the left and right, so it’s not too conservative or too sweet, and depending on your outfit, you can wear either pumps or sneakers.
Dusk gradually becomes early, and morning and evening become cooler.
It’s going to get cold and cold, so it’s a bit tough on me, so why don’t you start a tight waist-in skirt style?
HempGauze Gather BlouseHemp Gauze Gather Blouse
September 2, 2020
好きな服と、似合う服が違うと言う話はよくありますね。 私の場合、企画のお仕事をしていて、好きな服だけど上手く形に表せなかったり、出来上がっきて「ちーがーうー」って思ったりすることがあります。サンプルのまま製品化しなかっり …
It’s often said that your favorite clothes are different from those that look good.
In my case, I’m working on a project, and sometimes I like my favorite clothes, but I can’t express them well, or I feel like it’s finished when it’s finished. It is not commercialized as a sample, unpopular at the exhibition, unexpectedly popular. Lol
I love clothes that have a lot of gathers like this, but until now I couldn’t have confidence.
This time, the fabric is perfect, but you can meet each other and the pattern is a great success! This is a super cute finish! I feel nervous.
In my case, I’m wearing 70’s hemline denim and a blouse together, and I’m wearing sabot, and the basket is a little like Jane Birkin? ? I want to take care of No, I like the shepherd style with the dress and underskirt.
Denim Jumper SkirtDenim Jumper
August 24, 2020
私の少女時代から青春時代の服にはドットボタンが多用されていたように思います。 70’s80’sの特徴なのでしょうか? デニムのパンツやジャンパー、ダンガリーシャツ、ウェスタンシャツ、やはりドットボ …
I think that dot buttons were often used in clothes from my girlhood to youth.
Is it a feature of 70’s 80’s?
Are denim pants, jumpers, dungarees shirts, western shirts, and even stajans the true hit of a dot button?
I longed for Team Stajan, who walked through the streets of Shibuya, but I wasn’t good at sports, and it was a high-priced flower for unknown high school girls.
So, maybe the dot button DNA was planted, it tends to appear in the collection every time. This time I gave it to the jumper skirt which is becoming a standard item.
The casual item, Junska, gives off a slightly outdoor image… When you pair a British country-style check shirt, you’ll want to wear heavy trekking shoes.
If autumn can be done, I would like to have a picnic in the mountains and forests. You can use it in a nearby park, though.
Sheperdess BlouseShepherdess Blouse
August 15, 2020
皆様はシェパーデスという言葉をご存知ですか? 私は知りませんでした。笑 シェパードというのがイギリスで言うところの羊飼いだと言うことはシェパーズパイという食べ物から知っていました。根が食いしん坊なもので… シェパーデスと …
Do you know the word Shepherdess?
I didn’t know Lol
I knew from the food shepherd’s pie that shepherd was the shepherd in Britain. The roots are gluttonous…
Shepardes seems to be a female shepherd, and I first learned from the idea that the name of this blouse was Shepherdes blouse at the meeting of the project.
I see, it’s a feminine noun like Goddess or stewardess. Lol
That’s why this Shepherd’s blouse, together with the material, has made it look nice.
It has the rustic feel that a woman who follows a sheep really wears, and the gathers on the chest give a soft impression and soften the handsomeness of the shirt. The small collar is neat and the design is habit-free, so it’s inevitable for heavy rotation.
Do you feel any discomfort when wearing the shirt you used to wear? Are you old and gentle? Sometimes, when I wear a regular color that looks too tradable, or when I wear a circle collar that is too cute for a circle, I sometimes say, “Oh? It might not look good…”, but an adult can wear it without trying too hard. I proposed various shirts for this collection.
First of all, from the new Shepherd’s blouse!
The beginning of autumn is new shirts and pants…
New Salopette for 2020AutumnNew Salopette for 2020Autumn
July 17, 2020
シトシトジメジメ、憂鬱です。毎日洗濯物の心配をしています。笑 さて、Instagramのほうでは秋冬コレクションのカタログ撮影のこぼれ話を投稿したりしてますが、こちらでも少しだけ種明かし… 人気者のサロペット、夏はテンセ …
It’s melancholy. I worry about laundry everyday. Lol
By the way, on Instagram, I posted a spill story about the shooting of the catalog of the autumn/winter collection, but I also revealed a little bit here…
A popular person’s salopette, I had Tencel linen play an active part in the summer. This fall, it’s made of solid cotton, soft and easy to wear, and it’s a great feeling again.
In the catalog shooting, I coordinated Liberty’s nostalgic blouse with a thick chic camel. Other four colors are olive, gray and black. It’s hard to throw away all the color choices… This fabric is so good, so please look forward to other items! !!
This time, the curly model appeared as a model in plain clothes with black clean coordination, but it is a professional. Even such an idyllic styling was dressed up in a cute, salaware style.
Curly has been featured in the catalog before, so the shooting was very soft. Curly, who became more mature than last time, and the second model also played an active role, so I am looking forward to the finished product of the catalog too much! !!
November 24, 2019
気がつけばまもなく12月、月日が経つのは歳をとる毎に早くなります。 寒くなって来たのはつい最近ですが、ここから気温は急下降しそうな予感。フワフワ、あったかな手触りが恋しくなって来ます。 アウトドアスタイル、スポーティカジ …
As soon as you notice, December, the month and day will get faster as you get older.
It’s been cold just recently, but it seems that the temperature will drop sharply from here. I’m fluffy and I miss the warm texture.
Outdoor style and sporty casual wear are the trend, but after all it is not bland at Christmas time.
Then, let’s enjoy the cuteness of winter with Nordic knit,
4 colors full of cuteness! !!
I am using basic colors, but I was particular about the combination of colors.
Coordinating to transform into an adult natural or boys casual style, the Salaware Nordic Sweater is a great winter ally.
C’est une artiste mignonneC'est une artiste mignonne
August 8, 2018
異常な猛暑で体力が奪われる日々が続いていますがサラウェアの秋はこっそりと始っています。 サラウェアの秋冬コレクションのテーマはC’est une artiste mignonne. かわいいアーティストの女性 …
Although days have been deprived of physical strength due to extreme heat, the fall of Salaware has begun quietly.
The theme of the Fall/Winter collection of Salaware is C’est une artiste mignonne.
The image is of a cute artist woman.
It would be fun if everyone could spread various emotions and sensibilities from their daily lives.
December 28, 2017
2017 年も後数日で幕を閉じます。 今年は酉年で、 バーズラバーな私達にはおあつらえ向きな年でした。そして、 巣立ちや飛躍の年でもありました。自由が丘の元の店から巣立ちして新しい店の巣作りを始めました。 What …
2017 will be over in the next few days.
This year was a year of rooster, and it was a good year for us who are bird’s lovers. It was also a year of fledging and leapfrogging. I left the original store in Jiyugaoka and started building a new store.
What’s New In 2017, we will introduce the classic Liberty lining trench coat. At the time of the exhibition, the Liberty of the lining may be decided at a glance at one sight, and sometimes it may be a problem, but this time it was another fascination, and I could also imagine a blue trench coat. ..
Liberty’s delicate, organic touch, color matching, and wolves!! Everything is unique and exciting.
The details of the coat have not changed, and the sizing has been redesigned to make it even easier to wear.
This year, we will continue to value salaware and will continue to carry out various experiments, such as new version upgrades, returning to the basics, and breaking down!
I would like to thank you for reading What’s New, which I tend to want to convey, so I read it for a long time. And those who visited the shop, those who saw and selected the clothes of Salaware, those who saw Instagram of Salaware and atelier. .. .. Thank you very much.
Notice of business hours during the year-end and New Year holidays-
SHOP: Regular holiday from 12/30, 31, 1/1, 2 1/3 (Wednesday)
★A gorgeous lucky bag is prepared for the first sale!
Atelier: Regular sales from 1/5
― 年末年始営業時間のお知らせ ―
SHOP | : | 店休日 12/30, 31, 1/1, 2 1/3(水)より通常営業 ★初売りは豪華福袋を用意しています! |
アトリエ | : | 1/5より通常営業 |
Tailored jacketTailored jacket
November 16, 2017
先日展示会の為、 パリに行きました。 1 日中展示会場で過ごすので、 自ず楽しみは 「夕飯なに食べようかな」になるのですが、 今回は宿泊先が左岸だったんです。 初めてです! ご存知の方も多いとは思いますが、 パリは大きく …
I went to Paris for an exhibition the other day.
Since I spend all day at the exhibition hall, I am naturally looking forward to having dinner, but I was staying on the left bank this time. It is the first time!
As you probably know, Paris can be roughly divided into the left and right by the Seine. It is said that the right bank and the left bank have different atmospheres in the city and inhabitants. I have heard that the left bank is “slightly speaking sober, but calm, but people who love Paris in the good old days will continue to live for a long time” compared to the right bank, which has many tourist destinations.
I longed for the Left Bank because I couldn’t forget the photobook I saw when I was a student, Elsken’s “Love on the Left Bank”. Although there is a decadent atmosphere in the corner of the floating city of Paris, it tells the story of young people who live with the glitter of youth.
Everyone wears their own style, but it’s cool. In my image, it’s a rugged tweed old jacket. High turtle sweaters, trousers with a distinctly larger size. Shabby stain coat….
The introduction has become long, but even in this photo book, I think it fits perfectly. I feel a little happy.
Since the tweed was washed, it felt dull, and the lining was turquoise. This really left bank jacket. If I can travel in time, I want to gently hang on Anne’s shoulder who sleeps in a late night cafe. I suddenly thought.
masciline なものmasciline things
August 27, 2017
「パリやロンドンの女性はベストの着こなし上手いなぁ」 若い頃、 旅した時にそう思ったものでした。その理由の一つはもちろん洋服の歴史の長さもあるとは思いますが、蚤の市などで売られているベストの多さと言ったら!選びがいがあり …
“Women in Paris and London are good at wearing the best clothes.”
When I was young, I thought that when I traveled. I think that one of the reasons is, of course, the long history of clothes, but if you say that there are many of the best clothes sold in flea markets, there is a choice.
Wearing very casual pants and mini skirts with a vest like an uncle, wearing a chic dress with a vest like a medieval knight…
I was very young and influenced. However, it was a tough item and I could not do it cool…..
That’s why I’ve always had a longing for something like a vest or gilet somewhere in my mind. Manly, but chic I want to dress like the girls in the movie.
This autumn in Salaware, the essence of such a masculine style is scattered. Of course, the best key items can be enjoyed with various materials.
In the catalog, we propose a casual style with big silhouette casual pants to Wooltoro’s handsome vest!!
Isn’t it cool to see a museum or a movie in a masculin style this fall? Lol
This vest and back style are also very nice.
- 20AW
- 20SS
- 21aw
- 21ss
- allinone
- BAG / バッグ
- BalloonPants
- bandcollar
- blouse
- Blouson
- blue
- Cableami
- cardigan
- chino
- clarks
- COAT / コート
- DENIM / デニム
- Dress
- embroidery
- event
- felt
- FRENCH CLASSIC / フレンチクラシック
- gauze
- GINGHAM CHECK / ギンガムチェック
- hat
- hickory
- indianprint
- JACKET / ジャケット
- JohnSmedley
- jumperskirt
- KNIT / ニット
- lace
- lapskirt
- LIBERTY / リバティ
- LINEN / リネン
- Lyocell,Linen
- madras
- MASCULINE / マスキュラン
- NEW YEAR / ニューイヤー
- NORDIC SWEATER / ノルディックセーター
- ONE-PIECE / ワンピース
- order、
- OVERALL / オーバーオール
- PANTS / パンツ
- PARIS SUR MODE / パリシュールモード
- pleatsskirt
- popeye
- praboot
- pullover
- RAIN COAT / レインコート
- rayon
- salopette
- Satin Bowerbird / サテンバウワーバー
- season theme
- Shirts
- SKIRT / スカート
- Stripe
- TAILORED JACKET / テーラードジャケット
- Tee
- Tomoyo
- Tops
- TRANOI / トラノイ
- TRENCH COAT / トレンチコート
- TWEED / ツイード
- UNIFORM / ユニホーム
- used
- VEST / ベスト
- Vintage
- WORK / ワーク
- カットソー
- キルティング
- サラサラ出版
- トップス
- トップス,
- トップス,20ss
- トップス,blouse
- ドレス
- ワンピース
- ワンピース,21ss