TAILORED JACKET / テーラードジャケット
Tailored jacketTailored jacket
November 16, 2017
先日展示会の為、 パリに行きました。 1 日中展示会場で過ごすので、 自ず楽しみは 「夕飯なに食べようかな」になるのですが、 今回は宿泊先が左岸だったんです。 初めてです! ご存知の方も多いとは思いますが、 パリは大きく …
I went to Paris for an exhibition the other day.
Since I spend all day at the exhibition hall, I am naturally looking forward to having dinner, but I was staying on the left bank this time. It is the first time!
As you probably know, Paris can be roughly divided into the left and right by the Seine. It is said that the right bank and the left bank have different atmospheres in the city and inhabitants. I have heard that the left bank is “slightly speaking sober, but calm, but people who love Paris in the good old days will continue to live for a long time” compared to the right bank, which has many tourist destinations.
I longed for the Left Bank because I couldn’t forget the photobook I saw when I was a student, Elsken’s “Love on the Left Bank”. Although there is a decadent atmosphere in the corner of the floating city of Paris, it tells the story of young people who live with the glitter of youth.
Everyone wears their own style, but it’s cool. In my image, it’s a rugged tweed old jacket. High turtle sweaters, trousers with a distinctly larger size. Shabby stain coat….
The introduction has become long, but even in this photo book, I think it fits perfectly. I feel a little happy.
Since the tweed was washed, it felt dull, and the lining was turquoise. This really left bank jacket. If I can travel in time, I want to gently hang on Anne’s shoulder who sleeps in a late night cafe. I suddenly thought.
- 20AW
- 20SS
- 21aw
- 21ss
- allinone
- BAG / バッグ
- BalloonPants
- bandcollar
- blouse
- Blouson
- blue
- Cableami
- cardigan
- chino
- clarks
- COAT / コート
- DENIM / デニム
- Dress
- embroidery
- event
- felt
- FRENCH CLASSIC / フレンチクラシック
- gauze
- GINGHAM CHECK / ギンガムチェック
- hat
- hickory
- indianprint
- JACKET / ジャケット
- JohnSmedley
- jumperskirt
- KNIT / ニット
- lace
- lapskirt
- LIBERTY / リバティ
- LINEN / リネン
- Lyocell,Linen
- madras
- MASCULINE / マスキュラン
- NEW YEAR / ニューイヤー
- NORDIC SWEATER / ノルディックセーター
- ONE-PIECE / ワンピース
- order、
- OVERALL / オーバーオール
- PANTS / パンツ
- PARIS SUR MODE / パリシュールモード
- pleatsskirt
- popeye
- praboot
- pullover
- RAIN COAT / レインコート
- rayon
- salopette
- Satin Bowerbird / サテンバウワーバー
- season theme
- Shirts
- SKIRT / スカート
- Stripe
- TAILORED JACKET / テーラードジャケット
- Tee
- Tomoyo
- Tops
- TRANOI / トラノイ
- TRENCH COAT / トレンチコート
- TWEED / ツイード
- UNIFORM / ユニホーム
- used
- VEST / ベスト
- Vintage
- WORK / ワーク
- カットソー
- キルティング
- サラサラ出版
- トップス
- トップス,
- トップス,20ss
- トップス,blouse
- ドレス
- ワンピース
- ワンピース,21ss