What’s New
Linen/Cotton Velveteen CollectionLinen/Cotton Velveteen Collection
October 31, 2022
私、ちょっとクセのあるものに惹かれるたちです。 食べ物だったら、行ったことない国の変わった食材とか味付けだったり、俳優さんだったら、正統派な主役俳優よりもいつも違う顔を見せてくれるバイプレイヤーだったり。 いつもうんうん …
I am attracted to things that are a little quirky.
If it’s food, it’s a strange ingredient or seasoning from a country I’ve never been to.
The friends who always say “I understand, I understand,” and snuggle up to me feel relaxed, but suddenly I want to meet the friends who grin when I make jokes that sound mean or surprise me.
Same with clothes. These days, I tend to choose clothes that I find interesting rather than ones that look good on me.
These days, I want to wear clothes that make me happy rather than worrying about what I look like.
This tricolor crazy is perfect for that mood.
It’s a little crazy, but the fabric is elegant, so it doesn’t look childish, and it’s easy to match plain and traditional items.
I want to meet my friends in a tunic, denim boot cut, and my favorite vintage bag.
Hey, how are we going to play?
25th anniversary25th anniversary
April 13, 2022
サラウェアの渋谷のお店が出来てから25年になります。 25年前の私は他の仕事をしていました。 サラウェアを知ったとき、10年もこんな可愛いお店を知らなかったなんて随分損したなと思ったものです。 だからこの先もそんな私のよ …
It’s been 25 years since the Sarahware Shibuya store was opened.
Twenty-five years ago I was doing other work.
When I learned about Sarahware, I thought it was a big loss to not know such a cute shop for 10 years.
Therefore, I hope that the number of people like me will increase in the future. I didn’t know it for 25 years, I lost it. Or lol
Or maybe because I liked my mom, I want young people who want clothes that they want to wear for a long time to like them.
I hope that those who have loved Sarahwear for a long time will continue to do so, so all the staff will continue to cherish the playfulness of Sarahwear and make clothes. ..
Designer M
Since opening a directly managed store in Shibuya in 1997, not only customers who visit us directly, but also customers, customers who purchase Sarahware from customers, factories, fabric stores, small scale Although it is a family, I was able to celebrate 25 years with the support of an unimaginable number of people and being watched over. Thank you. .. We launched Sarah with the feeling that we will only make things that we think are better from our own perspective than those that sell in our 20s. The designer is Hitomi Saraya known as Sarahchan. (It became Sarahwear in the sense of Sarah’s clothes.) When the brand got off to a good start, it turned to a business base and disappointed its customers. Even so, I continued to make things that I thought were cute because I had a strong desire not to cloud the facial expressions of the buyers of the dealers who sympathize with their appearance and the people who come in contact with Sarahware’s clothes at the store. I think it’s because of it. In addition, I think that I will grow old and become a wonderful adult, so I made clothes and lived, what kind of clothes make that person look nice? The answer is mid-search. Does it look like a nice person because it’s worn by a nice person, or does it look like a nice person because it’s wearing nice clothes? Probably neither … I think it’s the latter. There are no stores other than the current Jiyugaoka store, but the experiences we have at each store and the words of encouragement we received from our customers are helping us now. I’ve grown up enough, but I’ll do my best to deliver clothes that look nice while glaring at myself. Thank you.
水玉 &ギンガムチェックPolkadots & Gingham check
March 29, 2022
今年の春、街のディスプレイは黒白ドットとギンガムチェックが目立ちますね。 ギンガムも水玉も単純でシンプルな分、可愛さは無限大です。 そのシーズンによってときめくサイズや色が変わります。 サラウェアではだいたい毎シーズンい …
Black and white dots and gingham checks stand out on the city display this spring.
Gingham and polka dots are simple and simple, so their cuteness is infinite.
The size and color of the item will change depending on the season.
Saraware sells various materials, colors and sizes every season.
I love both of them.
Introducing this time is a simple and neat gingham and an eye-catching polka dot. The texture and design are different, but both are retro and chic.
Model Alex liked vintage clothes and miscellaneous goods, and he liked the shoots of these clothes quite a lot, and the tension was high and the poses were a perfect match.
It gives a crush to people of all ages and countries.
I like cute clothes.
The Spring StripeThe Spring Stripe
March 11, 2022
ストライプの服と言ったらシャツなら定番アイテムで皆様1枚はお持ちでしょう。 でもスカートやパンツやジャケットとなると、おしゃれハードルが上がる感じがします。 そこを、パーッンと軽々飛び越えたこの春のストライプシリーズ。 …
- Speaking of striped clothes, shirts are a standard item and you will probably have one.
But when it comes to skirts, pants and jackets, I feel that fashionable hurdles are rising.
This spring’s striped series jumped over there lightly.
Anyway, a circular skirt with lemon yellow and white stripes that is more refreshing than a plain strap,
Clear and cool stripes in a pant suit. And
Why don’t you try it now that it’s just getting warm?
I want to wear clothes that spread my feelings that I’ve been shrinking until now.
By the way, the skirt is named kitchen skirt.
I named it because I wanted it to be worn while dancing around in the kitchen. Lol
It’s fun and efficient to do household chores while listening to music.
The little organic farmThe little organic farm
February 9, 2022
お待ちかね(笑)のサラサラ出版vol.6出来上がりです。 今回のコレクションテーマはリトルオーガニックファーム。 サラウェアらしいカジュアルデザインとさまざまな色と生地を使って、新鮮で瑞々しい野菜の様な洋服が作れた様な気 …
I’m looking forward to it (laughs) Sarasara Publishing vol.6 is ready.
The theme of this collection is Little Organic Farm.
I feel like I was able to make fresh and fresh vegetable-like clothes using casual designs that are typical of Sarawear and various colors and fabrics.
From Alex’s cute expression on the cover, you can feel the sparkling sun and the lush nature, and I’m looking forward to turning the pages. This issue has been reprinted with a large service by the editor-in-chief, so this issue is worth seeing!
A fun trip to the farm just to turn. Please enjoy it.
The Liberty look from the 60’sThe Liberty looks in 60’s
January 13, 2022
新年明けましておめでとうございます。今年は寅年、なにやら迫力のあるダイナミックな一年になりそうです。ファッションもカラフルでハッピーな気分が流れてますね。 さて、2022年1回目はリバティからの春のお知らせです。 どれも …
Happy New Year. This year is the year of the Tiger, and it looks like it will be a powerful and dynamic year. Fashion is also colorful and makes me feel happy.
By the way, the first time in 2022 is the spring announcement from Liberty.
A fun collection with unique prints and a vintage feel. Marianne Faithfull-style dresses and Catherine Deneuve-style blouses are lined up with clothes that will make you smile just by looking at them.
The usual Grace seems to appear in the 60’s movie somehow. It would be nice to combine it with beautiful red and green pumps.
The other day, I finished shooting the 22SS catalog and got off to a good start in spring.
I’m looking forward to the completion! Please look forward to it.
By the way, I wonder if I can see cherry blossoms in a Marianne style dress this year.
師走The end of the year
December 30, 2021
いつの頃からか来秋冬の立ち上がりコレクションの企画期間が12月をまるまる使うようになり、年末のバタバタ感をダブルで感じるようになりました。 最後のほうになるとデザインを考えながらお風呂の目地掃除、生地を選んだ後に換気扇掃 …
From some time ago, the planning period for the fall / winter rise collection began to use the entire December, and I began to feel the fluttering feeling at the end of the year.
Towards the end, clean the joints of the bath while thinking about the design, and clean the ventilation fan after selecting the fabric.
Exaggeratedly, the end of the year will come like that.
I can’t afford to neglect the planning work, so I’m naturally going to cut corners in real life.
Every year, this Christmas, I want to make a wonderful dinner, but it doesn’t come true.
This year, I heard a wonderful story about cakes from Christians and put it into practice.
Devout Christians cut one more Christmas cake than the number of family members. The remaining one can be invited to serve a cake even if a traveler suddenly visits. He taught me the importance of always being considerate of others.
So I cut one more at my house, but the next day, I was eaten by one of the family members who claimed to be a traveler.
It’s going to be dark again this year. Is it safe? The scope of the project I can do is almost over.
All you have to do now is look forward to the sample.
Thank you for listening to my soliloquy again this year. And those who were interested in Saraware’s clothes, all the dealers nationwide, the customers who picked up the clothes at those shops, and the people who came to the shop in Jiyugaoka. We would like to thank all the people who helped make Saraware’s clothes and hope that you will have a good year.
タータンチェックの季節Tartan Check Season
December 6, 2021
ウースターのタータンチェックは暖かいのに毛羽立たず、飽きの来ない風合いが気に入って繰り返し使っていたのですが、さすがに使ってない柄がなくなってしまいました。 『オリジナルの柄と色の組み合わせが出来たら楽しいね』となり、生 …
Worcester’s tartan check was warm but not fluffy, and I liked the texture that I never got tired of, so I used it repeatedly, but as expected, the unused pattern has disappeared.
“It would be fun if we could combine the original patterns and colors,” and the fabric shop was happy to accept it, so this is the second original Worcester tartan.
I wonder how to proceed with the first work, it seems a little daunting to do it manually with colored pencils and paints …
However, I was completely dropped out of PC work, so I was wondering what happened and remembered the drawing app I was playing when my child was small. “I might be able to do this.”
This is a lot of fun, the colors are infinite, you can change the color tone and transparency, and you can change the line thickness.
I can make a shape without any difficult work.
It’s not perfect, but I found a good companion for making tartan.
As such, the finished fabrics are simple but cute and full of individuality.
I want you to come to traditional, natural and punk.
It is a tartan check only for Saraware.
フェルトの服Felting wool clothes
November 15, 2021
東京は宣言も解け、秋晴れが続いてます。そろそろお出掛けしたくなりますね。 そんな中、ワタシはタイミング悪く風邪を引いて外出もままならず、はまって観ていた韓流ドラマがあります。 88年のソウルオリンピックから …
The declaration has been lifted in Tokyo, and the clear autumn weather continues. It’s time to go out.
Meanwhile, I had a cold at the wrong time and couldn’t go out, so I was addicted to watching a Korean drama.
A youth drama depicting the growth of high school students at that time for seven years from the 1988 Seoul Olympics? was. The content was very good. With tears, with laughter, with Kyun …
No, not to mention the famous performances of the high school mothers, the fashion! !! Even though it was 1988, the atmosphere of the times was like the 70’s in Tokyo, and I feel nostalgic that there were many such mothers when I was little. The layered material of different materials is full of individuality.
Women’s fashion is trendy at that time, so the style of mothers will naturally change. I sometimes remember that my mother was dressed like this … or that she had such a hairstyle.
Many of Sarawear’s customers may be their own mothers, and when their children grow up, it would be great if they could remember the warm clothes of Sarawear.
I’ve been using this felting wool for 6 or 7 years now, so those who wear it should have some fun memories. This year, the beautiful sky blue is added, which is even more impressive.
Please enjoy going out with felting wool clothes this autumn and make a lot of memories!
October 13, 2021
私は小さい時からミーハーで楽しいことが大好きで、色んなことに夢中になりやすいタイプ。 アイドル、ファッション、音楽、旅行…お小遣いやバイトのお金を貯めては好きなことに費やしてました。 だから自分は沢山楽しめる人間だけど、 …
I’ve always loved having fun with Miha since I was little, and I’m the type who tends to get absorbed in various things.
Idols, fashion, music, travel … I spent my pocket money and part-time jobs on whatever I liked.
That’s why I’ve always thought that I’m a person who can enjoy a lot, but I’m not the type of person who entertains people.
However, my close friend came to the showroom and there was a slight change in my mind.
My friends seemed to be having fun, trying on one after another, “That might look good” “This is difficult, sorry” “Wow, I want to wear this too !!” It was shining and obviously enjoyed over time.
Ah, we hope someone will enjoy this job. I was a little impressed at that time.
I hope you can enjoy it with a little smile with the still-continuing corona sickness. The Belveteen series is packed with the feelings of the Saraware staff. It’s a cute toy-like color and is the highlight line of this season’s collection (for me!).
It has a little stretch, so it works smoothly and is comfortable to wear! The design is easy and easy to coordinate, so you can enjoy playing.