天国から来たチャンピオンHEAVEN CAN WAIT
October 28, 2020
ロサンゼルス・ラムズの前途有望なクォーターバックのジョー(ウオーレンベイティ)は出場の決まったスーパーボールを前に交通事故で急死してしまう。自分の死に納得いかないジョーは天国の入り口で天使長(ジェームス メイソン)に猛抗議したところ、まだ50年も寿命が残っているのに担当天使のミスで天国に召された事が発覚。ジョーは地上に戻されることになったが、既にジョーの肉体は火葬された後。
ジョーは選手時代のトレーナーで親友でもあるマックス(ジャック ウォーデン)を呼び出し自分がレオではなくジョーであると打ち明け、ジョーしか知らない事を話すレオがジョーだとマックスは信じます。スーパーボール出場の為、ラムズを買収して出場の為に猛特訓を始めます。入団テストも合格して、ベティとの関係も深まっていきますが、担当天使からレオの体を使えるのはあとわずかである事を告げられます。
恋愛は体ではなく魂のふれ合い(けしてエッチなことではございません) 体 って書くから変なんだ、見てくれではなくですね。その延長に結婚があるだ。
[Champion from heaven] Released in 1978
It’s been dark news since become a corona pandemic 、I feel that I’m less likely to experience warming things. As a movie fan, it’s a little solid, but it’s an introduction to a movie that makes you laugh and watch it.
The promising quarterback Joe (Warren Beity) of the Los Angeles Rams is suddenly killed in a car accident in front of a decided Super Bowl. Joe, who was not convinced of his death, protested against the archangel at the entrance of heaven, and it was discovered that he was called to heaven by the mistake of the angel in charge even though he had 50 years of life left. Joe was to be returned to the ground, but after Joe’s body was already cremated.
The archangel manages to find an alternative body for Joe, but Joe wants to return to a football player and refuses all the bodies recommended by the archangel. When Leo’s body was recommended by the millionaire, Leo’s company accidentally caused pollution and was attracted to Betty’s beauty who came directly to protest the problem, and agreed to rent Leo’s body on a temporary basis. .. As Leo, I will help Betty by taking a position against pollution rather than the profit of the company. Betty also changes from gratitude to Joe and love.
Joe summons Max, who is also his best friend when he was a player, confesses that he is Joe, not Leo, and Max believes that Leo is the one who talks about what only Joe knows. In order to participate in the Super Bowl, we will acquire Rams and start a special training to participate. He passed the enrollment test and deepened his relationship with Betty, but the angel in charge told him that Leo’s body could only be used.
Betty can’t understand the situation when Joe tells Joe to be reborn and meet again.
When the next body is found, Joe can’t enter Leo and becomes a different person.
I’d like to write until the end, but I’ll leave it here for those who haven’t seen it yet.
It’s a little spoiler, but the theme is reincarnation. It was also portrayed in the movie “Made in Heaven” by Top Gun Kelly McGillis.
Love is not a body but a soul contact (it’s not a naughty thing) Because it’s a body, don’t look at it. Marriage is an extension of that.
I want a single woman who doesn’t need him to see it, but I don’t see it.