What’s New
A little and little
December 30, 2024
あぁ、今年も残すところ数日。。 皆様もクリスマス、忘年会、仕事納めに大掃除、、、この怒涛の1週間を過ごされたことと思います。 今年の夜の街はコロナ以前よりも盛り上がって華やかだったようですね! この一年を私個人として振り …
Well, there are only a few days left of this year.
Christmas, year-end parties, the end of the work year, cleaning up, I’m sure you’ve all spent the last week of the year in a rage.
This year’s nightlife seems to have been more exciting and glamorous than ever before in Corona!
Looking back on the past year for me personally, it was an ordinary year, nothing remarkable at all. However, recently I have had more opportunities to visit exhibitions and galleries, and I have come to enjoy them in a way I never did before, and I have come to honestly think how beautiful and interesting they are, and how I would like to have them nearby.
It was a year in which I wanted to get in touch with art in more and more different ways.
Salaware is taking on new challenges one by one this year. We started an installation live from our shop in Jiyugaoka. This has been well received and our staff are encouraged. We are also exploring new forms of catalogue making. We want to create something that everyone can enjoy and not end up being self-satisfying. We also have a workshop in our atelier, which sometimes echoes with the sound of our sewing machines.
Well, it looks like it’s going to be a mild New Year’s in Tokyo, but if you’re in an area with heavy snow, please be careful and stay warm.
We apologise for not being able to get Watts New up all year.
Our ambition for next year is to bring you as much great information as possible.
We would like to thank you all for your support this year and look forward to working with you again next year. We look forward to working with you again next year.
We wish you a peaceful and happy start to the next year.
September 16, 2024
もう9月も半分以上終わってしまいました。 気候のせいか”まだまだ秋の気分じゃないわ” という方がほとんどですよね。 でも、そんな気分をバシッと秋にさせてしまう、サラウェアからのお知らせです。 そう …
September is already more than half over.
Most of you are probably saying, “I’m not in the mood for autumn yet”, probably because of the weather.
But here’s an announcement from Salawear that will make you feel like autumn.
Yes, our autumn/winter catalogue is ready. We’ve stopped using a magazine format for the last catalogue and made a better one! We’ve made it look good, so we’ve made a product with a lot of spirit. [Laughs.
The catalogue has a CD-jacket style, in keeping with the theme of Buskers (London street musicians). The contents are a secret!
The products are coming in one after another. Not to mention the classics that everyone loves, classic tweed jackets, fluffy nostalgic dresses, popular corduroy trousers and more, making autumn co-ordination fun.
Oasis is all about reunion, so I’m also buying a new Sarah Ware mod coat this year.
いつものデニムUsual denim
March 1, 2024
サラウェアが10年近くいつも使っているデニムは、デニムなのに柔らかくて軽いです。 もともとは作業着に使う生地だから厚くて丈夫が売りだと思いますが、着易くなるまでに時間はかかるし、古びてしまう。。 デニムのアイテムはベーシ …
The denim that Sarahwear has been using for almost 10 years is soft and light even though it is denim.
Originally, the fabric was used for work wear, so I think its selling point is that it’s thick and durable, but it takes time for it to become comfortable to wear, and it gets old. .
Although denim items are basic, they tend to go in and out of fashion, so by the time you feel comfortable wearing them, you may end up not feeling like it.
From the moment I bought it, from the first time I put it on, I felt like I had loved it.
New items this season are a farmer’s jacket and a cute denim vest. Both have corduroy accents.
I think you can enjoy the fun and playful coordination that only denim can create! !
I want my eternal idol, Juliette Lewis from Gilbert Grape, to wear it! !
C60212 【Sam】Denim Coverall
C71239 Stripe Dress
早春コーディネート"Early spring outfit coordination."
February 13, 2024
あくまでも個人的な意見ですけど、春、秋のおしゃれがイケてる人がおしゃれを制する。と思います。 この端境期が1番悩むんですよね、何を着るか。こういう時期に1番活躍するのはシャツ、チノパン、ステンカラーorトレンチコートです …
It’s just my personal opinion, but people who are fashionable in spring and autumn win fashion. I think.
This is the time of year when you have the most trouble deciding what to wear. Shirts, chinos, stainless steel collars or trench coats work best in these seasons.
I am not a stoic buyer of these basic items, so I always become a “Rodin, thinker” before going out in spring and summer.
This year I will buy Sarahwear Balmacaan Coat.
It has a moderately big silhouette, so I can wear it all the way inside on cold days and still look like spring on the outside, and I love that the lining is somewhat 80’s pinstriped.
Other items include masculine shirts, chinos and denim that will make you look like Jane Birkin!
年末のデジャヴュDéjà vu at the end of the year
December 26, 2023
去年のコラムを振り返ってみたら、春夏のカタログの撮影のことに触れていて、そしてアレックスの写真が、、、今年の年末のデジャブかと思いました。笑 そうです、次の春夏のカタログもまたアレックスにお願いしました。出来上がりを楽し …
ϖI looked back at last year’s column, and I mentioned the shoot for the spring/summer catalogue, and then Alex’s photo, and I thought it was déjà vu for the end of this year. [Laughs.
Yes, we asked Alex again for the next spring/summer catalogue. Look forward to the finished product!
I think this year has been a difficult year for many things in the world. It’s been a year where the things that happen around me that make me cringe are really not that big of a deal, and I wake up every day in peace and I’m really thankful for that. On a side note, I recently got a new mat and every day I feel happy when I sleep. (Laughs.
The countries I visit for exhibitions are so-called developed countries, where many people who can afford to enjoy fashion live. But they are only a small part of the world. I hope that every person in every country will have the time to feel a crush on beautiful clothes. I just pray that they will have the time to feel the thrill of wearing beautiful clothes in every country.
When someone’s wish comes true, the other is crying. The lyrics of Hikaru Utada’s song are heartbreaking at the end of the year.
It was such a hot autumn, but now it’s suddenly midwinter and it’s hard to get in shape, but I wish you all a happy and healthy New Year’s Eve!
May you have another moment of smiling in Sarahweare’s clothes next year.
Welcome Autumn!Welcome Autumn!
September 14, 2023
今年の秋はなかなか来ませんね。 それでも日が沈むとすこーし涼しいですし、空はなんとなく高くなりました。 しっかり秋が始まっているのはファッションとおすすめメニュー。こないだまでメロン推しだったデザートが栗に変わっていまし …
Autumn has been hard to come by this year.
Still, it’s a bit cooler when the sun goes down and the sky is somewhat higher.
Autumn has firmly begun in fashion and on the recommended menus. Until the other day, the desserts were all about melon, but now they have changed to chestnuts. LOL.
So autumn at Saraware has also started with a step on the accelerator!
Our recommendations for early autumn are salopettes skirts and bottoms made of cotton linen with a dry feel.
The recommended ecru and dull olive colours allow you to easily start autumn even if your tops are summer-specific.
There are also large coats and dresses in the same fabrics that can be worn with ease, so the ranking of recommendations is likely to change as autumn deepens.
And this time, the planning team has put a lot of thought into the Farmers’ Series. The design is rustic and masculine, but the fabric! The fabric is fantastic!
The atmospheric colours and the light, soft feel make it a beautiful work jacket.
The lining is pretty too, so have a look in the shop or online.
New items are coming out one after another, block-check gown dresses, skirts, houndstooth coats and more, your fashionable heart will never stop fluttering.
Linenの季節Linen season
May 19, 2023
ご無沙汰していました。お元気でしたでしょうか? 5月8日からまた新しい日常?が始まりました。日中は夏日で暑いしマスク率も徐々に下がってきましたね。 爽やかな春の風と日光を感じられる、今は1番過ごしやすい時期 …
It has been a long time since I have been away. How have you been?
Since 8 May, a new routine? It’s hot during the daytime and the mask rate is gradually decreasing. It’s hot in the summer days and the mask rate is gradually decreasing.
It’s the most comfortable time of the year now, with fresh spring breezes and sunshine, and I want to enjoy going out more and more! I want to double back and get back what I’ve put up with so far! (Laughs.
In such a refreshing season to go out, please try our linen clothes, which are the 18th best of Saraware!
This summer we are offering linen in a variety of colours and textures. From bright, eye-catching colours to basic colours. And from thick linen weaves to feather-light blouses. We have a wide range to suit your mood and purpose!
This year’s top picks are the hidden marine items. Sailor-coloured but natural-coloured, or square-coloured dresses, they enhance the mood for a good night’s sleep.
Go to a seaside café or a forest full of greenery.
A picnic in a nearby park?
The fun fantasies never stop.
秘密の花園The secret garden
January 25, 2023
春のおとづれと共に梅から始まってミモザや桜など花があちこちで順番に咲き始め、見つけるたびにうれしくなるし、夏が始まると海や森が恋しくなります。 そういうお年頃かな?いや、私は子供の頃からそうだったなと、振り返ります。 小 …
In spring and summer, I tend to draw clothes that I wear when I come in contact with nature.
With the arrival of spring, plum blossoms begin to bloom, followed by mimosas and cherry blossoms.
Are you around that age? No, since I was a child, I look back.
Observing and raising various insects that come to a small garden, and planting a cute dayflower that I pulled outside and failed. I was really looking forward to being taken to the sea and mountains in the summer.
In such a summer vacation, the most difficult homework was reading impressions. LOL But the story I was fascinated by was “The Secret Garden”.
It is a fairy tale read by many girls around the world.
I will omit the synopsis, but it is filled with my longing, and I thought that someday I would like to have my own flower garden.
This collection features a grown-up Mary wearing the clothes I drew, gardening, having tea with her friends at her favorite garden table, and polishing tiles made of seashells. I fantasized.
I didn’t have a flower garden, but I’m happy that I was able to create a wonderful collection for Mary when she grew up. smile
It looks like the cold days will continue, but I can already feel the scent of plum. Another new spring is coming, isn’t it?
あっという間に師走December in no time
December 29, 2022
あぁ、もはや一年を500日くらいにして12月は100日くらい欲しいです。 そうなっても最後の方にバタバタしそうですが… いつも年明けにやっていたカタログの撮影が仕事のスケジュール上、年内に済ませなくてはならず、もはや自宅 …
Ah, I want a year to be about 500 days and December to be about 100 days.
Even if that happens, it seems like it’s going to be a mess towards the end…
Due to my work schedule, I have to finish the catalog shoot that I always do at the beginning of the year by the end of the year, and I can’t even clean my house anymore. smile
However, the shooting was fun, and this time the model was Alex, who is a very popular Tiktoker, and we had a lot of fun conversations from beginning to end. I’m looking forward to the successful completion of the work and the launch of the AW23 samples at the beginning of the year.
This year, I was able to hold an exhibition in Copenhagen for the first time, and also in Paris after a long time, and my excitement has returned little by little. I hope that many customers will come to the exhibition in Tokyo next year.
It’s the season when it’s easy to get sick, so please take care of your body.Recently, I’ve rekindled my passion for aromatherapy, which I used to be addicted to, and it’s also helping me manage my physical condition!
Wishing you all a happy and healthy new year! !
Next year is the year of the rabbit, and I want to make it a year where I can leap like a rabbit.
It seems that it will end in a blink of an eye.
コーデュロイの服The Corduroy clothes
November 25, 2022
今年もコーデュロイの季節がやってきました。年末だなぁと感じます。 ちょっと前までおしゃれ女性には疎まれがちな素材だったけど、すっかりポップな素材になって色も太さも様々、いろんなお店で見かけます。 サラウェアでは暖かみのあ …
- Corduroy season has arrived again this year. I feel like it’s the end of the year.
Until a while ago, it was a material that fashionable women tended to avoid, but it has become a completely pop material, and you can see it in various shops in various colors and thicknesses.
Sarawear has two types of thick ridges that are warm and a thin and easy-to-wear shirt call. The more you wear it, the more you get along and the more you wear it, the more you wear it, the more you wear it.
In this season’s catalog, I proposed an ivory one-tone outfit.
Thick ribbed corduroy, which tends to create an unfashionable image, looks natural and beautiful. The perfect romantic coordination for the Christmas season is ready!
Besides ivory, chic dark gray and black are also recommended. I want to wear it with a slightly baggy pants or jacket to create an ennui atmosphere.
Well, this year is about to end. Can you introduce something again this year? I think.