音楽コラムMusic Column
Serge Gainsbourg 『Couleur café』 Music Column. Serge Gainsbourg 『Couleur café』
April 26, 2020
自粛期間が続いていますが皆さんはどのようにお過ごしですか? インドアな私、ドリューもこんなに家の中で過ごした事はありません。 段々と気候も良くなり、いつもなら外にいるのが気持ち良い季節。オープンなカフェとかでのんびり過ご …
The self-restraint period is continuing, but how are you spending?
Drew, an indoor me, has never lived in a house like this.
The weather is gradually improving, and it’s usually a pleasant season to be outside. It’s the season when you want to relax in an open cafe… Now, it’s also good to enjoy the cafe atmosphere at home by using the takeout menu of the shop in addition to rice.
This is recommended when you go to such a cafe. In French, titled “Coffee Color”, this song is a 1964 song by the songwriter, composer, singer, actor, and film director Serge Gainsbourg. You can relax and relax with a good feeling by listening to the laid-back and cheerful Latin number.
free refill! The best house cafe! !!
The Beatles 『I will』Music Column The Beatles 『I will』
April 18, 2020
こんにちは。音楽コラム初参加のショップスタッフのドリューです。 日頃からお店と自宅の通勤以外は基本的にインドア派の私はおこもり生活もいつもと同じように音楽を聞いたりしてのんびり過ごしています。 今回ピックア …
Hello. This is Drew from the shop staff who participated in the music column for the first time.
I’m basically an indoor person except for commuting to shops and home, and I usually spend my leisure time listening to music as usual.
It seems that the first song to be picked up this time is the song of Paul McCartney recorded in the album “The Beatles” released in 1968, singing love to his later wife, Linda.
There are many famous songs in The Beatles, but even if I hear this song name, it doesn’t come out easily, but I think that many people think “Ah, nostalgia”.
When you listen to a gentle melody full of love, you will be instantly relieved.
It’s a short song, so it’s a good song to listen to to change your mind.
Music Column ストレイテナー×秦 基博 『灯り』Music Column. Motohiro Hata. 『Light』
April 9, 2020
この時勢でサラウェア直営店もしばらくの間お休みさせて頂くことになりました。 外出自粛で家に籠る時間が長くなっていますね、みなさん何をして過ごしているんでしょうか?私は専らyou tubeやAmazon primeなどの動 …
At this time, we will be taking a rest for a while at the Salaware directly managed store.
You’re spending more time at home refraining from going out, what are you doing? I watch videos such as you tube and Amazon prime exclusively. I’m really grateful to the musicians whose live performances and concerts have been cancelled, for playing live broadcasts and for providing entertainment to the current situation where they are left untouched.
This song is a collaboration between rock band straightener and singer-songwriter Motohiro Hata. It seems to me that the lyrics of this coronal epiphany are like the image of hope ahead of us. The harmony of the voices of these two vocals is gentle and it feels good no matter how many times you listen.
May the infectious disease be cured soon.
Karen O and The Kids 『All Is Love』Music Column Karen O and The Kids 『All Is Love』
March 25, 2020
楽しい曲が聞きたい時は、楽しい映画のサントラ盤を聴くのも良いですよ。 この曲は『かいじゅうたちのいるところ』という絵本が原作の映画で使われています。この映画の音楽はYeah Yeah YeahsというバンドのボーカルのK …
If you want to listen to fun songs, you can also listen to the fun movie soundtracks.
This song is used in the movie based on the picture book “The Place Where the Kaijuu are”. Karen O, the vocalist of the band Yeah Yeah Yeahs, is in charge of the music for this movie, and although the band’s songs are quite punky, this song is full of fun and cuteness.
The movie’s soundtrack has songs from various scenes such as emotions, emotions, and changes, so you can find a song that suits your mood at some point.
Music Column 宇多田ヒカル 『光』Music Column Hikaru Utada. 『Light』
March 9, 2020
世の中がいつもとは違う状態で不安は多いですが、どうにか気持ちは保っていたいですね。 家の中ではいつも通りに鼻歌口ずさみながら~、くらいの楽しい気分で。 誰もが知ってる曲だと思いますが、今また聞いたらとてもい …
I am worried that the world is different from usual, but I want to keep my feelings.
Inside the house, I feel like I’m humming and humming as usual.
I think it’s a song that everyone knows, but when I heard it again, I thought it was a very good song, so I took it up. For the MV, it’s just a scene of washing dishes in the kitchen everyday, which makes us feel less connected to our reality. When expressing the hope of light, I think that there is often a production in which the opposite heavy image appears and disappears, but I think that the point where this feeling is completely invisible is the comfort of this MV.
Music Column あらかじめ決められた恋人たちへ『Back』Music Column To predetermined lovers 『Back』
February 7, 2020
詩的なバンド名、“あらかじめ決められた恋人たちへ”。略称“あら恋”、インストゥルメンタルバンドです。 『Back』という曲でこのバンドを知ったのですが、第一の印象はノスタルジック。鍵盤ハーモニカや子供のコーラスがなつかし …
The poetic band name, “To predetermined lovers”. It is an instrumental band, which is abbreviated as “Arakoi”.
I knew this band from the song “Back”, but the first impression was nostalgic. The keyboard harmonica and the chorus of the child will come from within, whether it is nostalgia or nostalgia. The excitement from the middle of the stage is dramatic and it is like watching a movie.
When I was thinking about taking it up in a column, I realized that I had about three albums, but I didn’t know anything about them. Formed in 1997, it was a unit (it was written as a band) that has been active for over 20 years. I want to go to the live one day!
“Back” PV to predetermined lovers
Music Column「CSS」Music Column 「CSS」
January 22, 2020
今回はCSSというバンドをご紹介します。 CSS(シー・エス・エス)=Cansei de Ser Sexy(カンセイ・ジ・セール・セクシー)、ブラジルのバンドです。「セクシーで居ることに飽きた」というビヨンセの発言をポル …
This time we will introduce a band called CSS.
CSS (Canada de Ser Sexy), a Brazilian band. Beyoncé’s remark that “I’m tired of being sexy” has been changed to Portuguese and given the band name.
I met this band at the opening act of an overseas band I went to see a dozen years ago. I saw it without knowing it at all, but I thought what kind of thing started when the girl’s vocal came out in a flashy leotard ⁈, but psychedelic + disco + punk + rock, a song filled with various elements It was a fun live. The audience was excited and I enjoyed the opening act. The vocal Lovefoxxx was messy and cute.
I’m also looking forward to the chance of suddenly meeting a favorite band at a live concert. It’s fun to go to festivals. Can I go this year?
Music Column. OK GOMusic Column. OK GO
January 8, 2020
2020年明けました、このコラムも暇つぶしに読んでいただけますと幸いです。よろしくお願いいたします。 正月明けなので、楽しい感じのバンドの話にしたいと思います。 OK GO、アメリカのミュージックビデオがい …
I hope you can read this column at the beginning of 2020. Thank you.
It’s the New Year holidays, so I’d like to talk about a band that feels fun.
OK GO, American music videos are always fun bands. About 10 years ago when YouTube began to become popular, it became famous for its low budget, creative MV using room runners. I’m looking forward to MV every time.
Most of the songs are bright because the MV is a human-powered (not using CG) funny idea. I think it’s a band that is more focused, but fun is the win. I want to see more! I recommend visiting their YouTube channel. There’s a giant Pythagora switch, weightlessness, trick art anything.
Attached below is a one-shot MV shot in Japan using a drone. Perfume is also out.
BECK 『Morning Phase』Music Column BECK 『Morning Phase』
December 19, 2019
やっと冬な気候になってきましたね。と思って今回は冬に聴くのがいいかなと思ったBECKのアルバム『Morning Phase』を取り上げます。 BECKはアルバムごとに作風が変わるフォーク、ロック、ヒップホップ、ブルース何 …
At last, the weather has become winter. So, this time, I will take up BECK’s album “Morning Phase”, which I thought it would be good to listen to in winter.
BECK is a folk, rock, hip-hop, and blues artist whose style changes from album to album, but this album is more of a folk type, with a relaxing atmosphere from the beginning to the end and a quiet winter vacation as the title says. I think of the morning of the day. I always flutter in the morning and sleep until near noon, so I think of an imaginary ideal morning scenery… (laughs)
It’s a 2014 album, but after a while since I started listening, I realized that it would be nice to revisit the song or album that I want to listen to when I feel like this.
Clap Your Hands Say YeahMusic Column Clap Your Hands Say Yeah
November 30, 2019
N.Y、ブルックリンのバンドです。 2005年のデビューアルバム、セルフタイトルの「Clap Your Hands Say Yeah」 が好きなのですが、ボーカルのヘロヘロな気が抜けたような歌い方が独特で面白いです。曲は …
It is a band from NY, Brooklyn.
I like my debut album in 2005, the self-titled “Clap Your Hands Say Yeah”, but the singing that makes the vocals fluffy is unique and interesting. The music is kindly made with noise, has a sound like a film, and is warm with a handicraft feel.
I would like you to listen to it through the album, but it will feel like Shiume that it is not at room temperature and is not raised too much.
The Skin Of My Yellow Country Teeth – Clap Your Hands Say Yeah