音楽コラムMusic Column
音楽コラム『Touching you』Music Column『Touching you』
October 13, 2023
秋はいつもに増して哀愁ソングが沁み入る季節。 わざわざ聴いてしんみり気分に浸りたい。 哀愁好きの私としてはこの方の歌う哀しげな歌に目がありません。 今年6月に天国へ旅立たれたブラジルの歌姫、アストラッド・ジルベルトさん。 …
Autumn is the season for melancholy songs to sink in even more than usual.
I want to take the trouble to listen to them and immerse myself in a melancholy mood.
As a lover of melancholy, I have my eye on the sad songs sung by this person.
Brazilian songstress Astrud Gilberto passed away in June this year. There are many bright songs, but her lonely songs are excellent.
She was a leading bossa nova singer who sang bossa nova with English lyrics and spread it around the world, and also sang many cover songs that we all know, such as jazz, popular songs and sometimes rock.
‘Touching you’ (1972).
The melancholy performance and the voice match each other, and the song makes you think about many things. The original bad-ass and terrible!
We’ve introduced recommended songs in this music column in the past, so please go back and listen to them.
Everybody loves the sunshineEverybody loves the sunshine
September 2, 2023
暦の上ではもう秋…と言ってもまだまだ日ざしが強いこの時期ですが、しだいに日が短くなり秋の気配が感じられます。 夏から秋に移るこの季節、いつももの寂しい気分になるのは何故だろう。過ごしやすい秋が来るのが嬉しいはずなのに。 …
The calendar says it’s already autumn… but the days are still very sunny at this time of year, and gradually the days are getting shorter and shorter, and signs of autumn can be felt.
Why do I always feel lonely during this season of transition from summer to autumn? I should be happy that a pleasant autumn is coming.
I thought about it. And now I realise. (In my case) it’s because when summer is over, the year is coming to an end. Wow! I don’t want to think about it:
Yesterday yes a dayYesterday yes a day
July 27, 2023
『Yesterday yes a day』 お若い頃はまるでお人形のような風貌。女優、歌手、モデル…。多くのご活躍をされ、可愛らしくて美しく、時には激し目な作品やファッションも格好良かった。 年齢を重ねられても気取らない …
‘Yesterday yes a day’.
In her youth, she looked like a doll. Actress, singer, model… She was active in many fields, pretty and beautiful, and her sometimes intense works and fashions were also cool.
Jane Birkin, whose unpretentious style and crumpled smile are still attractive even as she ages, is a person to admire.
She is probably the originator of what is known as the whisper voice, which sings in a faint, whispery, breathy voice.
The Japanese title of this song is ‘Shadow of Sorrow’.
I did not know that this song was an insert song for the film Madame Claude (’77). (She didn’t appear in the film, only sang in it.)
The lyrics may sound a little sad, but the beautiful melody and gentle voice will make you feel as if your heart will be untied.
She has appeared (without permission) in this music column in the past, so I would be happy if you could take a look at her.
April 27, 2023
「木の芽どき」と言われるこの時期は気持ちがザワザワしたりセンチメンタルな気分になる事があるあるだそうです。元気に明るく過ごすよりも、静かにそ〜っと過ごしたい時もある。そんな時のBGMにいかがでしょうか。 「最も美しいもの …
It seems that this time of year, which is said to be ′′ when the leaves are blooming ′′ I feel like I’m going to have a good time, and I’m going to have a sentimental mood. There are times when I want to spend time quietly rather than cheerfully and cheerfully. How about BGM at such time?
“The Most Beautiful Thing” (1961)
Many people have sung the works of Brazil’s leading musician Carlos Lira, as well as the musician and poet Vinicius de Morais.
It’s a beautiful song that makes you feel sentimental ♪
『Maria Ninguem』『Maria Ninguem』
March 4, 2023
3月!寒暖定まらぬ気まぐれなお天気が続いていますがいかがお過ごしですか? 日に日にやわらかな日ざしが心地よく感じられ、明るい気持ちになって来ます。 そんな季節に似合う本日の曲はブラジルのボサノバ音楽作曲家、カルロス・リラ …
March! How are you coping with the unpredictable whimsical weather?
Day by day, the soft sunlight makes me feel comfortable and bright.
Today’s song that suits such a season is Brazilian bossa nova composer Carlos Lira’s representative work “Maria Ningen”.
The title comes from the fact that Maria is the name of many women in Brazil (what about now?), and it seems to mean “Maria, no one else”, my Maria who has the same name but is different from everyone else.
I think there are other songs famous for male vocals such as Joan Gilberto, but this is Brigitte Bardot’s version (1964). The soft melody has a rolling tongue♪
音楽コラム『メイク•イット・イージー・オン・ユアセルフ』Burt Bacharach『Make it easy on yourself 』
February 12, 2023
春が近づいて来たので楽しげな曲をバカラックアルバムから選ぼうと思っていたところでした。 多くのアーティストに曲を提供、長くたくさんのご活躍をされた偉大な音楽家。 お名前を知る前からバカラック作品とは知らず耳にしていたり鼻 …
Spring is approaching and I was just trying to pick some fun songs from the Bacharach album.
He is a great musician who has provided songs to many artists and has been active for a long time.
Even before I knew his name, there were some songs that I had heard and sang with my nose without knowing that they were Bacharach’s works.
I’ve covered it several times in my music column, but the sorrowful song in particular healed my heart. I know only the songs of the movies I haven’t seen.
“Make It Easy On Yourself (1962)”
It’s a song sung by various people, but this is the version sung by Mr. Bacharach himself in the album released in 1969. lovely voice
The Japanese title is “Farewell with Tears”
I’m lonely but I don’t like tears.
Great songs, I will continue to listen to them.
January 20, 2023
新年が明けたところで突然のニュースに悲しくなりました。追悼、高橋幸宏さん。1978年発売のとってもお洒落なアルバム「Saravah!」から。 「ボラーレ」は98年のテレビCMでおなじみのジプシーキングスの情熱的なバージョ …
I was saddened by the sudden news just after the new year. In memory of Yukihiro Takahashi. From 1978’s very stylish album “Saravah!”
“Volare” is famous for the passionate version of Gipsy Kings, which is familiar from the TV commercial in 1998, but it was sung in Yukihiro’s first solo album 20 years before that.
With a relaxing bossa nova-like melody and cool singing voice, you will be enchanted by the world in seconds.
The original song was sung by Italian singer Domenico Modunno at the Sanremo Music Festival in 1958, won the grand prize, and later became one of the most popular Italian songs in the world. By the way, “Volare” = “to fly”.
Even if you don’t understand the language, you can feel a sense of happiness and have a great time♪
And I’m late to say hello, but I’m looking forward to seeing you again this year.
ザ・リトルドラマーボーイThe Little drummer boy
December 23, 2022
あら〜?扇風機をしまったのがついこの前だったような気がするのですが、何故かもうクリスマス!あともう数日で今年が終わるなんて、嘘だ〜! さて、現実を受け止めて。 今回はお馴染みのクリスマスソング「リトル ドラマー ボーイ」 …
fault~? I feel like I put the fan away not long ago, but for some reason it’s already Christmas! It’s a lie that this year will end in a few more days!
Now accept reality.
This time, the familiar Christmas song “Little Drummer Boy”
A heartwarming music video perfect for Christmas, featuring the beautiful voice of Bing Crosby, the king of Christmas songs, and haunting animation.
I didn’t know what the lyrics were about, and I just sang the part of “Rapapanpan♪” with a happy feeling, but…
A boy born in poverty was called by the three wise men and went to Bethlehem, where he played the drums in front of the newborn Jesus with Mary’s permission, saying, “I can’t prepare gifts because I don’t have money.”
It seems that it is a story. “Rapapanpan” is the sound of drums. When I found out what it was about, I felt even warmer. gin.
Thank you for joining us for this year’s music column.
Have a Merry Christmas & New Year♪
『That’s What Friends Are For』『That's What Friends Are For』
November 30, 2022
今年もなんだかんだであっという間にあともうひと月ほど。 まだ一年を振り返るには早いのですが今年、私にとって感動的な出来事がありました。同級生との再会です。 きっと皆さんの中には昔のクラスメイトと会わずともずっとお付き合い …
It’s still early to look back on the year, but there was an emotional event for me this year.
It is still too early to look back on the year, but there was an emotional event for me this year.
It was a reunion with classmates.
I am sure that many of you are still in touch with your old classmates, but I was different.
Back then, I had a lot of fun at school and spent time with my classmates after school and on holidays.
However, after graduation, I met new people and made new friends everywhere I went, and I became estranged from my former classmates.
This year, however, thanks to SNS, I was able to connect with two of my high school classmates for the first time in about 30 years, and we met again.
I was thrilled to go to the meeting place…we recognized each other immediately. And I cried. I’m so happy that you welcomed me so sweetly, even though I’m so thin on friendships!
Then my friend said, “What? Crying?” And my friend laughed.
I thought, “Hey, cry with me here! Time passed in a flash as we talked about episodes that had been missing from my memory, and both of us have become wonderful adults. I have experienced many things in my own way and have lived up to this point in my life. I am grateful for the precious existence that still keeps me close.
I know it’s a long story, but the song this time is the 1985 hit “That’s What Friends Are For,” produced by Burt Bacharach and Carol Beyer Sager and performed by four of the biggest names in music, Dionne Warwick, Stevie Wonder, Gladys Knight, and Elton John. That’s What Friends Are For”. As I listen to the song, I sincerely feel grateful to have friends.
In fact, the original vocal was Rod Stewart’s version on the soundtrack of the 1982 movie “Night Shift. I didn’t know that!
It Won’t Be Long The BeatlesIt Won't Be Long The Beatles
October 29, 2022
サラウェア2022秋冬コレクションのテーマは『Hello London』 お洒落でかっこいいスウィンギング・シックスティーズに思いを馳せて。 1960年代を代表する音楽と言えば誰もが知ってるThe Beatles。きっと …
The theme of the Saraware Fall/Winter 2022 collection is “Hello London”
Think of the sleek and cool Swinging Sixties.
Everyone knows The Beatles when it comes to music that represents the 1960s. I’m sure everyone has a Beatles song that comes to mind, and I think it’s difficult to choose a favorite song.
There are so many songs, I can’t remember the names of the songs, and it’s hard to find which album the song I want to listen to is on. As I keep searching, other songs become better, and new songs I like increase.
“It Won’t Be Long”
It is a song recorded in the second album released in 1963, but I think it is a very Beatles-like song among many songs.
Teenagers, 20s, 30s… No matter what age I listen to, there are songs that fit me at that time, and I’ve been enjoying them for a long time♪