音楽コラムMusic Column
Mambo No .8Mambo No.8
May 18, 2021
ここしばらく、あるワードを聞くたびに思ってる事がありました。それはマンボです。 マンボといえばキング オブ マンボ、ペレス プラードです。 マンボの代表曲、マンボNo.5の人です。指揮者なのにステージを動き回って踊るのが …
For a while, every time I heard a word, I had something to think about. It’s a mambo.
Speaking of Mambo, it is King of Mambo, Perez Prado.
Mambo’s representative song, Mambo No.5. Even though he is a conductor, he enjoys moving around the stage and dancing. Besides No.5, there is also No.8. There doesn’t seem to be any songs with other numbers.
I don’t know what the story is about, but there is a faster version here. I’m not very busy. Please listen to both and compare them ♪
『Sittin’ On The Dock of the Bay』『Sittin’ On The Dock of the Bay』
May 5, 2021
ゴールデンウィークも中盤。初夏っぽさを感じ始めるこの頃は『立夏・りっか』と言って夏の兆しが見え始める時期で立夏は毎年5/4〜5/6頃、今年は5/5にやって来るのだそうです。 まだまだ知らない事がいっぱいのドリューです。 …
Golden Week is also in the middle. Around this time when you start to feel the feeling of early summer, it is the time when you start to see signs of summer by saying Japanese “Rikka”, and it seems that Lixia comes around 5/4 to 5/6 every year, and this year it comes on 5/5. ..
Drew has a lot of things I don’t know yet.
Today’s song is Otis Redding’s masterpiece “(Sittin’On) The Dock of the Bay” covered by Sergio Mendes & Brasil 66.
The song is a melancholy song in which the main character sits in a cove and looks at the sea, but this cover song starts with a moody intro and makes you want to sway your body from side to side with your fingers.
Please listen while swinging with your favorite drink ♪
『A Banda』『A Banda』
April 26, 2021
こんな時ですが明るい気持ちでいたい! 基本的に哀愁とか切ないとか、まったりした曲が好きなドリューは考えました。ここで暗くなってはいけない、と。でも元気過ぎるよりはちょっと控えめに…そんな時この曲を思い出しました。 ブラジ …
At times like this, I want to feel cheerful!
Drew, who basically likes songs that are melancholy or sad, thought. It shouldn’t be dark here. But it’s better to be a little modest than to be too energetic … At that time, I remembered this song.
Brazilian musician Chico Buarque’s 1966 song is sung by Nara Leão, a bossa nova muse also from Brazil.
It calms me that she isn’t singing so vigorously ~ ♪
A marching band will pass! Let’s go see it! It’s a song called.
I hope that day will come back as soon as possible! ︎
『Three Little Birds』Bob Marley &The Wailers-『Three Little Birds』
April 12, 2021
4月もなかばになり段々と気候が良くなって来て気持ちも明るく過ごしたい…そんな時、陽気なレゲエが聴きたくなりませんか? この曲はレゲエの神様ボブマーリーの77年のアルバムから。 前回からアニメーションが続きますが平和なスト …
It’s mid-April, and the climate is getting better and brighter. At that time, why don’t you want to listen to cheerful reggae?
This song is from the reggae god Bob Marley’s 1977 album.
The animation will continue from the last time, but it is a fun music video that will inspire you with a peaceful story and gentle songs ♪
『Under the Sea』『Under the Sea』
March 27, 2021
サラウェアの今シーズンのテーマは『Seaside Promenade』。 海辺のお散歩で思い出すのは…遠過ぎる昔、幼稚園で海に行きました。みんなと手をつないで海岸をお散歩しているとヒトデが砂浜にいました。初めて見たヒトデ …
Sarahwear’s theme for this season is “Seaside Promenade”.
A walk along the beach reminds me … I went to the sea in kindergarten too long ago. A starfish was on the beach as I was walking along the beach, holding hands with my friends. When the starfish I saw for the first time was happy to pick it up and walk along the beach while holding it in my hand … Something came out from the center of the starfish and I was so surprised that I threw it like a boomeran and returned it to the sea.
It’s a forgetful Drew, but I still vividly remember the event. When I remembered such a seaside event, I somehow wanted to meet the sea creatures.
I’m scared to touch it now, so maybe I should go to the aquarium.
Ennio Morricone『Metti una sera a cena』Ennio Morricone『Metti una sera a cena』
March 6, 2021
寒さにブルブルした冬が過ぎ芽吹きの春の到来です‼︎ 植物たちがすくすくと色んな準備を始めるみたいに私も何か新しい事を習ってみたいとか作ったことないお料理に挑戦してみよう、とか色んな妄想がふくらみます。 妄想は自由です。 …
The cold winter has passed and the budding spring has arrived! ︎
Just as the plants gradually start preparing, I also want to learn something new, try cooking that I have never cooked, and so on.
Delusions are free.
There is a recommended song when you want to relax while delusional.
This is the theme song for the ’69 movie “Metti una sera a cena” by the great Italian film musician Ennio Morricone. It seems that the movie has not been released in Japan, so I don’t know what the story is, but this song was on the CD I had, and I was fascinated by the beautiful melody from the first time I heard it.
Since it is a scat, you can freely delusion and make an original music video in your head ♪ Uhufu.
Quincy Jones『Soul Bossa Nova』Quincy Jones『Soul Bossa Nova』
February 18, 2021
あーっ!そういえば2月って28日までしかないんだった〜。短い〜。 急ぐのが苦手、のんびり大好きなドリューは休日に家で何時間でも座っていられます。色々やることあってもなかなか椅子から離れられません。 そういう時は忙しそうな …
Ah! By the way, February was only until the 28th. It’s so short…
Drew, who is not good at rushing and loves to relax, can sit at home for hours on holidays. Even if I do various things, I can’t get away from the chair.
At that time, switch on with a song that seems to be busy!
“SOUL BOSSA NOVA”, which I have heard in movies and commercials, is from Quincy Jones’ ’62 album “BIG BAND BOSSA NOVA”, a legend in the music world who handles songs of various genres. About 30 years ago, I bought a jacket without knowing it was a masterpiece.
Your body will start to move with a light performance ♪
Michel Polnareff『愛の願い』Michel Polnareff -Love Me, Please Love Me
February 5, 2021
わーっ!お正月、節分と来て次はバレンタインデー!忙し〜! 年に一度の特別なチョコレートを、と言う事でスイーツの街、自由が丘も色んなお店でバレンタイン限定商品が並んでます。 バレンタインデーと言えば… またまた小学生の頃の …
Wow! New Year, Setsubun and Valentine’s Day next! I’m busy!
By saying that special chocolate is once a year, Valentine’s limited products are lined up at various shops in the sweets town of Jiyugaoka.
Speaking of Valentine’s Day …
Another story when I was in elementary school.
I really wanted to give the original chocolate to the boy I loved, so I prepared a chocolate bar from a few days ago and was wondering what to do. Finally, on the day of the event, I just unwrapped the chocolate bar and had it in my house. I rewrapped it in foil and handed it to the shy boy I met in the park. The face of the child who received just flat silver paper without wrapping … I don’t remember. He only remembers to hand it over.
This song that revives such a bittersweet memory is Michel Polnareff’s “Love Me, Please Love Me” in 1966. The sweet melody conveys your sad feelings with all your might.
It wasn’t until this time that it had a unique appearance.
Diana & Marvin『Just Say, Just Say』Diana & Marvin『Just Say, Just Say』
January 24, 2021
突然ですが私、自分の気持ちを伝える時に説明が足りなかったらいけないな、とか間違って伝わらないように、とか色々考えて話が長くなるんです。 あ、ご存じでした? だからきっと食レポとかも向いてなさそうです。誰にも頼まれてません …
Suddenly, when I express my feelings, I have to explain enough, and I think about various things so that I don’t misrepresent it, and the story becomes long.
Oh, did you know?
Therefore, it seems that food repo is not suitable. No one has asked me.
I long for it in simple, short words, but it’s sad that the story ends with just one word, so please keep in touch with me!
The song is “Just Say, Just Say” with a mellow tone from the album of Diana Ross & Marvin Gaye released in 1973.
Burt Bacharach『Close To You』Burt Bacharach『Close To You』
January 14, 2021
早いもので新年がスタートしてもう半月になりますが2021年も皆さまの日常にサラウェアをおそばに置いていただけましたら嬉しいです♪ 本年もどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 そんな思いを込めて今年第一回目は私た …
It’s been half a month since the New Year started early, but I’d be happy if you could put Sarahwear by your side in 2021 as well.
We look forward to working with you this year as well.
With that in mind, the first of this year is from our heart’s Bible, Burt Bacharach’s album.
“Close to you” is famous for Carpenters, but this time it is this version sung by Bacharach himself.
The refreshing performances of Bacharach’s piano and orchestra seem to wash my heart.
There are various concerns, but I hope that 2021 will be a little calm! ︎