Fine CorduroyFine Corduroy
December 21, 2020
なんとなくご無沙汰しておりました。そして日に日に寒ーーくなってます。豪雪地帯の方々はご苦労も多い時期ですね。 さて今シーズンの服のお知らせは終盤となりました。真冬のアイテムのご紹介と思いきやシャツです…笑 コーデュロイの …
Somehow I haven’t heard from you. And it’s getting colder day by day. People in heavy snowfall areas have a lot of trouble. By the way, the announcement of clothes for this season has come to an end. Introducing midwinter items and shirts … lol Corduroy items, whether strong or not, have been a staple of Sarawear’s fall and winter for many years. It’s very casual, and I tend to avoid it because of my uncle-like visuals … Corduroy. But recently, the number of women who are taking in cute things from the younger generation has begun to increase. If you haven’t been interested in this thin and soft shirt call series, or if you find it difficult to coordinate corduroy, it may be easier to challenge. There are 3 different types of shapes, such as stacking a thin turtle inside or matching a low gauge knit cardigan from above … There are different ways to enjoy it. Corduroy and flannel materials make you imagine the peaceful scene of Christmas in the West. It’s used for children’s pajamas and gowns that are excited about Christmas gifts, and moms are wearing corduroy dresses with Fair Isle cardigans … It’s not luxurious, but it’s a peaceful and warm image. “Let’s bake a cake at home this Christmas …” It’s a perfect item for you!
FeltingWoolFelt clothes
October 26, 2020
毎度お馴染み、ちり紙交換でございます。っていうお知らせは最近めっきり聞こえなくなりましたね。 でも、サラウェアの秋冬の人気シリーズ。 毎度お馴染みのフェルティングウールでございます! 何年使っているかな?大 …
It is a familiar dust paper exchange every time. I haven’t heard the news recently.
However, the popular autumn / winter series of Saraware.
It is a familiar felting wool every time!
How many years have you been using it? This is my favorite material. For the past two years, I’ve been making original colors and it’s very familiar to me.
Since this fabric is fluffed, the wool fabric washed with hot water will shrink and become dense. The wool is entwined, and it has a fluffy appearance and warmth, and is very light.
On cold days, your body shrinks, and if you wear it too much, your body gets tired.
In such a case, let’s wrap yourself in a gentle felting wool that cares for you.
There are two greedy recommendations for this fall! Lol
The new jumper skirt has a sharply lowered sleeve, so you can choose the inner, and the armpits are not sluggish, making it easy to wear the outer.
The other point is the newcomer Best. The best is not really a popular item. But I like it and just make it …
After many meetings and corrections this time, the uncle looks cute! Lol
This is also easy to coordinate by thinking about various things!
Both are cute, so please enjoy them in various scenes throughout the season.
裏がみかん柄のキルティングQuilting with orange pattern on the back
October 21, 2020
朝夕寒くなってきましたね。 朝出かけるときのアウターに一番悩む頃です。 そんなダウンやコートには早いけど…な時に中綿ジャケットが活躍します。 サラウェアの秋冬に度々登場するオリジナルのキルティングシリーズ。リバティを使う …
It’s getting cold in the morning and evening.
It’s time to worry about the outerwear when you go out in the morning.
It’s fast for such downs and coats, but at times, batting jackets are useful.
An original quilting series that often appears in the fall and winter of Saraware. I often use Liberty, but this time I used this fabric, which I loved but couldn’t use.
It reminds me of old canned oranges, and these blue-white dots raise the tension. It is a jacket that traps the warm sunlight of the orange field inside.
Sarahzzler JacketSarahzzler Jacket
October 9, 2020
10歳の娘は早くおじさんになりたいのだそうです。笑 というか、お爺さんになって縁側で猫やイヌとのんびりお茶を飲む。という生活に憧れているようです。 あっという間におばさんにはなっちゃうけど、おじさんにはなれないんだよ、残 …
My 10-year-old daughter wants to be an uncle soon. That’s right. Lol
Rather, I become an old man and drink tea leisurely with cats and dogs on the porch. It seems that he is longing for a life like that.
You can become an aunt in no time, but you can’t be an uncle, unfortunately.
By saying that, I would like to introduce uncle-style coordination. Lol
Corduroy trousers for drizzlers are a staple of autumn style, but if you add a scarf, beret, turtle inner, etc. with this idea, the French walking style will be completed!
It’s autumn, so I want to enjoy it while taking self-defense measures in parks, museums, movie theaters, etc.
Please try Saraware’s cute uncle look on such a day.
What’s new 【Corduroy Fake Lap Skirt】What's new 【Corduroy Fake LapSkirt】
October 2, 2020
やっと秋晴れらしい1日が過ごせるようになって来ました。 すごーく短いですけど、良い季節ですよね。 なぜかこの時期になるとスタイルカウンシルのカフェブリュというアルバムに入っているthe paris matchという曲が聴 …
It’s finally time to spend a sunny autumn day.
It’s very short, but it’s a good season, isn’t it?
For some reason, at this time of year, I want to listen to the song “the paris match” in the album “Cafe Bleu” of The Style Council. This is the version that women are singing.
Is there a song you want to listen to depending on the season?
Japanese people are particularly particular about the four seasons, so I feel the seasons in the fabric of clothes.
Corduroy is just an autumn material. It’s still early for wool, but it’s cold with fluffy cotton, and it doesn’t feel like denim … it’s perfect for when.
This season’s lineup is quite full of corduroy!
Because it is processed, it is soft, light and supple. Is this corduroy? ?? It is characterized by its comfort.
This skirt is also made of that material, and although it looks like a wrap, it is made of rings, so you don’t have to worry about being flipped by the autumn breeze. rest assured! !!
Even corduroy doesn’t become too casual, and the flare line comes out smoothly and beautifully, creating a feminine atmosphere.
What is the same material as the last loose and cool pants! It’s a completely different beautiful face!C
What’s new 【Balloon Pants】Corduroy BallonPants
September 25, 2020
エレガント、シック、凛とした… そんな素敵な女性の装いへの褒め言葉があります。 往年の女優や、古い雑誌の中のヴィンテージスタイル。大好きです。 でも同じくらい好きなのは、ミュージシャンやアーテ …
Elegant, chic, dignified …
There is a compliment to such a wonderful woman’s outfit.
Old-fashioned actresses and vintage styles in old magazines. I love it.
But I like the dull coolness of musicians and artists as well.
How many years have you been wearing a T-shirt with a loose neck? A flannel shirt like this, loose corduroy pants that look like you’re wearing a waist, and black jeans with holes.
Because the person is cool, what he wears looks cool, but I always want to imitate it. But it’s embarrassing to be a good old man …
This year’s corduroy pants are pretty cool!
The processed corduroy feels soft and mellow, and although it has a lot of volume, it doesn’t look big. It’s easy to wear and it’s cool.
Match the flannel shirt with the knit hat and you have a cute Manchester rock singer. Lol
Tartan Pleats SkirtTartan Pleats Skirt
September 15, 2020
このところ冬のコレクションの企画のシメは、今年のプリーツスカートはどんなチェックにする?と言う案件。 案件というと大袈裟ですが、毎回楽しみにして下さっている方もいると聞き、退屈させるわけにはいきません。かと …
What kind of check will you make for this year’s pleated skirt for the planning of the winter collection these days? The matter to say.
It’s an exaggeration to say a project, but I can’t help but get bored when I hear that some people are looking forward to it every time. However, it is not decided by trend surveys or sales data, so in the end, I choose it based on the sensibility and mood of the planning team.
But this season is Jajan! From the color of the thread and the size of the check, we have completed the original tartan fabric. There was a color that swallowed tears and became lumpy, but it is quite a chic face.
The usual standard check is good, but please look forward to the original tartan, which is full of the current mood of Sarawear!
Travel coatTravel coat
September 11, 2020
なぜ、これがトラベルコート? その理由は、左胸に内ポケットがついていて、パスポートをスッとスマートに取り出すイメージに仕上げたからです。 綿の裏付きコートというのは、かさばらないし、インナーのコーディネートで暖かさを調節 …
Why is this a travel coat?
The reason is that there is an inner pocket on the left chest, and the image of the passport is taken out quickly and smartly.
A cotton-backed coat isn’t bulky, and it’s easy to adjust the warmth by coordinating the inner, which is perfect for a trip.
So, this is the second time for the travel coat, but for the collar part, we made it corduroy, made it water repellent, and even checked it on the back. ..
I want to look cool even when traveling.
Where do you want to go when you can travel anywhere you like?
I’m Seoul I have never been to the country closest to Japan.
I’m a big fan of Korean dramas and movies, and I love food too! If possible, I would like to try local unique meals and court dishes!
I want to bring a suitcase with me and buy a lot of sweets and ingredients and go home! Lol
While looking at the hanging travel coat, my dreams continue to grow.
- 20AW
- 20SS
- 21aw
- 21ss
- allinone
- BAG / バッグ
- BalloonPants
- bandcollar
- blouse
- Blouson
- blue
- Cableami
- cardigan
- chino
- clarks
- COAT / コート
- DENIM / デニム
- Dress
- embroidery
- event
- felt
- FRENCH CLASSIC / フレンチクラシック
- gauze
- GINGHAM CHECK / ギンガムチェック
- hat
- hickory
- indianprint
- JACKET / ジャケット
- JohnSmedley
- jumperskirt
- KNIT / ニット
- lace
- lapskirt
- LIBERTY / リバティ
- LINEN / リネン
- Lyocell,Linen
- madras
- MASCULINE / マスキュラン
- NEW YEAR / ニューイヤー
- NORDIC SWEATER / ノルディックセーター
- ONE-PIECE / ワンピース
- order、
- OVERALL / オーバーオール
- PANTS / パンツ
- PARIS SUR MODE / パリシュールモード
- pleatsskirt
- popeye
- praboot
- pullover
- RAIN COAT / レインコート
- rayon
- salopette
- Satin Bowerbird / サテンバウワーバー
- season theme
- Shirts
- SKIRT / スカート
- Stripe
- TAILORED JACKET / テーラードジャケット
- Tee
- Tomoyo
- Tops
- TRANOI / トラノイ
- TRENCH COAT / トレンチコート
- TWEED / ツイード
- UNIFORM / ユニホーム
- used
- VEST / ベスト
- Vintage
- WORK / ワーク
- カットソー
- キルティング
- サラサラ出版
- トップス
- トップス,
- トップス,20ss
- トップス,blouse
- ドレス
- ワンピース
- ワンピース,21ss