Fine CorduroyFine Corduroy
December 21, 2020
なんとなくご無沙汰しておりました。そして日に日に寒ーーくなってます。豪雪地帯の方々はご苦労も多い時期ですね。 さて今シーズンの服のお知らせは終盤となりました。真冬のアイテムのご紹介と思いきやシャツです…笑 コーデュロイの …
Somehow I haven’t heard from you. And it’s getting colder day by day. People in heavy snowfall areas have a lot of trouble. By the way, the announcement of clothes for this season has come to an end. Introducing midwinter items and shirts … lol Corduroy items, whether strong or not, have been a staple of Sarawear’s fall and winter for many years. It’s very casual, and I tend to avoid it because of my uncle-like visuals … Corduroy. But recently, the number of women who are taking in cute things from the younger generation has begun to increase. If you haven’t been interested in this thin and soft shirt call series, or if you find it difficult to coordinate corduroy, it may be easier to challenge. There are 3 different types of shapes, such as stacking a thin turtle inside or matching a low gauge knit cardigan from above … There are different ways to enjoy it. Corduroy and flannel materials make you imagine the peaceful scene of Christmas in the West. It’s used for children’s pajamas and gowns that are excited about Christmas gifts, and moms are wearing corduroy dresses with Fair Isle cardigans … It’s not luxurious, but it’s a peaceful and warm image. “Let’s bake a cake at home this Christmas …” It’s a perfect item for you!
Linen clothesLinen clothes
June 11, 2020
夏の楽しみと言えば、かき氷、夏祭り、花火など… 麻の服を着る。もその楽しみに是非加えて欲しい! 暑いからとTシャツなどのカットソー素材に手が伸びがちですが、麻の服の爽やかさを知ってしまうとホントに暑い日に選ぶ服は変わって …
Speaking of summer fun, shaved ice, summer festivals, fireworks…
Wear hemp clothes. I want you to add it to the fun!
Hands tend to stretch out on cut-and-sew materials such as T-shirts because it is hot, but if you know the freshness of hemp clothes, the clothes you will choose on a hot day will change.
Introducing blouses and skirts that are recommended not only when you go out for a while, but also when you can’t take a step.
The blouse is loose and well-ventilated.
A cute walnut button with a different color
Tickle maiden gokoro.
The skirt is a luxurious long scare with plenty of fabrics.
It is said that craftsmen who dye hand towels and furoshiki dye this linen fabric carefully one by one.
If you say so, the unique shade is a clear and transparent color despite the intermediate color.
It has a soft touch and a gentle softness.
All the colors are interesting, and they are as good as the glitz of the summer festival.
Now, you can make a good photo in front of the apricot candy store or even before yo-yo fishing.
ほっこりシャツEffortless Shirt
June 5, 2020
ボーダーTシャツについて、若い時代は全くその良さに気がつかなかった。というお話を以前にこちらに書きました。 それと同じく前開きのシャツ。やはり若い頃にはほとんど着ませんでした。 なぜか…? なんかかしこまった感じがして嫌 …
When I was young, I didn’t notice the advantages of border T-shirts at all. I wrote this story here before.
Similarly, a shirt with a front opening. After all, I didn’t wear it when I was young.
I didn’t like it because it felt like something wasn’t done, like a uniform.
It wasn’t easy to wear.
Midsummer is ridiculous.
No, I hope this will be a good year. It has become.
The good thing is that you don’t stick to your body first and feel the breeze.
Depending on the shape, it’s quite easy to wear, but it can give you a nice feeling.
Close the buttons tightly, open them a little, or open them all into a cardigan. Wide range of coordination.
In particular, I like the atmosphere that hemp shirts are worn under low-gauge knits not only in the middle of summer but also in the middle of winter.
This warm shirt (laugh, I had such a name before I knew it)
The pattern is good and the appearance is good, and the tencel linen is comfortable on the bare skin. It’s a nice feeling to wear it with a cuff wrapped around it or to wear it over the camisole.
With this shape… that fabric, or even this fabric… nice.
I think it will happen, lol.
インドへの想いIndian of Mind
May 25, 2020
旅も人と同じで縁だと思います。 何度も繰り返し行く街もあれば、行ってみたいなぁ。と焦がれていてもなかなか行けない場所もあります。 行くのが物理的に困難であったり、文化が違い過ぎて尻込みしてしまったり、次回はきっとと思いつ …
I think travel is the same as people, so it’s a connection.
I would like to go if there are towns that I go to again and again. There are places where it is hard to go even if you are impatient.
It’s physically difficult to go, I’m confused because of the different cultures, and I’m sure I’ll be put off after next time.
India, a country with unique power, and high hurdles make it difficult for me to take steps. Every time I hear from a friend who visits me many times, I just yearn for it.
Food and nature must be music, art, and great things are waiting for us, but we still have no connection.
At such an exhibition of fabric shops that handle a lot of Indian fabrics every year, I am able to digest my longing for it.
Indian fabrics are often soft and soft to the touch, which is essential for Salaware midsummer clothing. There are many variations such as madras check, block print, and lace fabric, and the unique colors and patterns activate the brain, which is different from that of Liberty.
This summer’s Indian print is quite recommended.
Owl, seahorse.
And a yellow flower pattern like a marigold field.
Marigold is also commonly found in weddings in Indian movies.
It must be a special flower.
Wearing this marigold dress, you can think of the Taj Mahal you haven’t seen yet with curry and nan on the balcony of your house.
Liberty 丸襟シャツliberty round collar shirts
April 28, 2020
日本の女子ほどリバティが大好きな国民がいるかしら? 洋服だけではなく雑貨やインテリアや文具に至るまで、そしてかなり愛用されてる年月も長いです。 どうしてそんなにリバティに惹かれるのか… 日本人は柄を生活に取り込むのが昔か …
I wonder if there are people who love liberty as much as Japanese girls do?
Not only clothes but also miscellaneous goods, interiors, and stationery, it has been used for a long time.
Why are you so attracted to Liberty…
Is it because Japanese people have always been good at incorporating patterns into their lives?
Kimono patterns, Kutani and Imari patterns, fusuma and tatami helicopters all affect life, and the ancients must have loved the patterns.
I think that Liberty is influenced by such Japanese art, and that is why they are attracted to each other.
In the days of stay home, today I’m making masks and other handicrafts.
At that time, I enjoy watching Liberty’s proud handicraft accounts on Instagram.
This time the previous theory has become long. Lol
For fashionable items in the house, simple clothes look great with cute fabrics.
It’s pretty cute if you put on your favorite apron with this round collar blouse of Liberty cloth and put on your apron.
A handmade Liberty apron with a different pattern is also okay.
Linen TartanLinen Tartan
April 24, 2020
ステイホームの生活... 私の場合は子供の学校がお休みになってからなので、かなりのベテランになります。 医療従事者の方々、皆が生活していけるようにウィルスと戦いながらも働かなくてはいけない方々のためにも、家の中にとどまる …
Stay home life. . .
In my case, I am quite a veteran because my child’s school is closed.
For those who are medical professionals and those who have to work while fighting the virus so that everyone can live, it is possible for me to stay at home.
Even so, I am living every day, hoping to have a little more fun and peace.
The problem is that I can’t meet people, so I’m less fashionable… No, it’s not possible.
Sometimes it may be nice to spend a fashionable surprise on a child.
It’s the perfect item for those times.
A tricolor blouse with a one-piece and classic round collar blouse. The tartan check has a serious and tough image, but since it uses soft eastern linen, it is easy to incorporate in daily life.
It feels so good that I feel like I’ll unnecessarily squeeze my child.
Everyone, please come and partner. Lol
The hugging effect seems to improve corona stress.
What’s new 【Matisse】Matisse Painter Shirt
February 15, 2020
ユニフォームがテーマになっていた今季。 色々な働く服がました。 このワークシャツはマティスという名前で絵を描くときにサッと羽織るイメージで前開きにしてあります。 うしろが少しだけ …
This season, the theme was uniforms.
Various working clothes are completed.
This work shirt is opened with the image of wearing it quickly when drawing a picture with the name Matisse.
The back is a little longer and looks not too serious.
When I traveled to the border town of France and Spain, I saw children playing in the schoolyard wearing matching work shirts like this in the elementary school grounds.
It didn’t look like clothes that were easy for a child to move, but it’s fashionable. And I was protecting my plain clothes from dirt.
That’s what a uniform should look like.
You can enjoy layering outfits just like an artist, or combine them with a pair of washed and washed denim. !! It is perfect for the first item in spring.
- 20AW
- 20SS
- 21aw
- 21ss
- allinone
- BAG / バッグ
- BalloonPants
- bandcollar
- blouse
- Blouson
- blue
- Cableami
- cardigan
- chino
- clarks
- COAT / コート
- DENIM / デニム
- Dress
- embroidery
- event
- felt
- FRENCH CLASSIC / フレンチクラシック
- gauze
- GINGHAM CHECK / ギンガムチェック
- hat
- hickory
- indianprint
- JACKET / ジャケット
- JohnSmedley
- jumperskirt
- KNIT / ニット
- lace
- lapskirt
- LIBERTY / リバティ
- LINEN / リネン
- Lyocell,Linen
- madras
- MASCULINE / マスキュラン
- NEW YEAR / ニューイヤー
- NORDIC SWEATER / ノルディックセーター
- ONE-PIECE / ワンピース
- order、
- OVERALL / オーバーオール
- PANTS / パンツ
- PARIS SUR MODE / パリシュールモード
- pleatsskirt
- popeye
- praboot
- pullover
- RAIN COAT / レインコート
- rayon
- salopette
- Satin Bowerbird / サテンバウワーバー
- season theme
- Shirts
- SKIRT / スカート
- Stripe
- TAILORED JACKET / テーラードジャケット
- Tee
- Tomoyo
- Tops
- TRANOI / トラノイ
- TRENCH COAT / トレンチコート
- TWEED / ツイード
- UNIFORM / ユニホーム
- used
- VEST / ベスト
- Vintage
- WORK / ワーク
- カットソー
- キルティング
- サラサラ出版
- トップス
- トップス,
- トップス,20ss
- トップス,blouse
- ドレス
- ワンピース
- ワンピース,21ss